Chapter 9

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Jenny finally lets go of me and looks deeper into my eyes.

"Where are you staying?" She questions me.

"Um... Gibbs house." I say.

"Are you friends with McGee, Abby and Ducky again?" She smiles.

"er, I guess."

"What about DiNozzo?" She winks at me.

"I... I honestly don't know." I reply.

"You know, when you were first chucked across that sand to us, he never left your side. Not even in the car, he held you all the way." She nudges my arm.

"Oh." I mutter.

"And when we first saw you, I think everyone had a bit of a heart attack. There you were,  covered in blood and slow pulse. All I can say was thank god Ducky was there." She strokes my hand.

"Why are you so caring? Why are you so willing to forgive me? Why are you looking after me because my fa- director David didn't?" I shake my head.

"Because you are family. Now lets take you back to Gibbs house for some rest." She stands up.

"I don't need rest!" I almost yell with frustration.

"Ok Ok Ok calm down," She says almost alarmed by my outburst.

"Sorry." I put my head in my hands.

"Ziva, you need to tell us what happened between you and your father."

"Why?" I quickly snap my head up.

"Ziva," Jenny says softly. There's silence until her office door swings open with a bang.

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