Chapter 12

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"We are not like clockwork, more like...machines." I lean over the banister.
I watch as Tony slowly turns around.

"How long have you been listening?" his voice shakes.

"Long enough." I shrug and carefully walk down the stairs with no cast on my damaged leg. In my nightmares,  I ripped it off and there isn't a difference, really. The pain from my broken leg is almost unbearable but I push it to the side and walk so im by the stools, not limping. Gibbs pulls out a stool for me and I sit on it. We sit in silence for a while.

"It's actually not as bad as you think," I say quietly.

"How?" Tony yells. I immediately flinch away.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to fri-" he starts.

"No, I shouldn't have reacted to that." I shake my head. "Mossad has a... Bad reputation right?" I ask.

"They are known for their agents and training programme." Tony says questionly.

"Kind of. Mossad is known for its supposed perfect agents, top of the line training programme, high technology, the statistics. Their brutal interrogation skills, amazing hand to hand combat skills. It is supposed to be the perfect agency." I explain. "So when someone from other agencies, we have to live up to standards. You were a threat to Mossad." I finish off.

"How?" Gibbs says briefly.

" One of the reasons that Mossad is world - known is because of its individual squad for each crime. The reason Mossad got its name is because of my training programmes, my budgets, my planning, my fighting lessons, my interrogation techniques, my ideas." I fidget with my fingers. "I'm Mossad's figure head, the one that has practically run a whole agency with no instructions."
"And we wanted to take you away, which is why we are a threat." Tony goes over it.

"Yes. also with my father being director, and he is also the only person that has basically schooled me. He has complete control over my life, he uses me, humiliates me and even follows me to see what im doing." I scrape a hand through my hair nervously.

"Well he can't do that any more," Gibbs and DiNozzo say together. I smile and nod. Smile and nod. Just smile and nod.

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