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They were here, finally. Rapunzel looked ahead of her at the Moonstone Opal. "We made it, guys." She said, looking around the dark room that was empty except for the Opal.

Or so it seemed. Upon closer inspection, the darkness around them was actually black rocks lining the walls. In fact, aside from the doors, everything in this room was made of black rocks. It really made Rapunzel realize that the Moonstone was capable of great destruction...but also creation.

But, she had to destroy it, to stop the black rocks that threatened the world.

Her hair started to glow and lift into the air above her and the black rocks started to glow and point towards the Moonstone Opal before they went dark again. Rapunzel walked forward, to the gap between her and the mystical stone, and moved a foot out into the open air, gasping as land started to form under her foot. She took another step and more land formed, the bridge rebuilding itself as she walked towards the caged stone across from her. Behind her, Eugene and Cassandra followed close behind.

They stopped a few feet away from it, watching the bridge completely form, and then she smiled back at Cassandra behind her, who was looking happy but also nervous. She rubbed the back of her neck and walked over to take her hands in hers. "Look, I know these last few months haven't been easy for us." She smiled up at her. "I wanna thank you - for everything." She let out a happy squeal and hugged her tightly.

Cassandra shifted a bit in her hold. "Okay, Rapunzel. It's time."

She pulled back with a grin, then turned and walked towards the Moonstone Opal, pausing next to Eugene and Pascal, taking Eugene's hand when his hand grabbed hers. "This is it, Rapunzel." Eugene smiled. "Now, go get your destiny."

She kissed his hand and brought it to her cheek. "I love you." She said softly.

He kissed her head and then she stroked Pascal's nose before she turned and walked on, her gaze ahead. was just her and the Moonstone Opal.

She could hear whispers, words she couldn't understand, like another language. Or maybe that was just her mind playing tricks on her as she got closer and closer. Maybe it was part of the Moonstone's magic.

The cage glowed and then opened, the Moonstone shimmering as it lifted into the air invitingly. She didn't know what would happen when she took it...but, she was ready to find out. She reached out a hand for it, inches away, and then a gloved hand closed around it, blocking out the light. Confused, she turned her head and saw...


"Cassandra? What are you doing?" Rapunzel asked in disbelief. Her hair stopped glowing and fell down around her to dangle towards the rocks below. Eugene grabbed her hand to pull her back as she reached for her friend, who was looking...angry?

Cassandra closed her fist tighter around the struggling, glowing stone, her gaze cold and focused on it. "I'm fulfilling my destiny!" She declared, moving a hand to her arm to try and keep the stone in check.

A wave of energy shot out and knocked them all back, but Cassandra still wouldn't let go. Rapunzel and Eugene were thrown back towards the door, and she looked up in horror as Cassandra, surrounded by blue light and lightning, refused to let go of the Moonstone Opal. Eugene came to Rapunzel's side and placed his hand on her shoulders as they watched Cassandra wrestle with the stone until she slammed it onto her chest.

She let out a horrifying, heart-stopping scream and Rapunzel could only watch helplessly as her friend was engulfed in blue light, black rocks appearing along the bridge in reaction to the Moonstone going wild.

Cassandra brought her hands to her head as if she was in pain, leaning forward in agony, and then her clothes started to change into something else as her short, black hair grew longer and turned blue, aside from a single black streak on the left side of her face. Her chest and shoulders were covered in white armor that looked like it was made of out of moonrock, her belt had transformed into a battle skirt of sorts, her boots were changed into taller, blue boots that shimmered like the black rocks that matched the color of her new shirt that covered between her skirt and chest-plate, her arms were covered in white-rock gauntlets and everything else turned into black rocks under the other rocks. A white-rock tiara formed on her head and what looked like the symbol of the Brotherhood was created around the Moonstone Opal itself, with a white moon and black rocks that pointed out from the Opal.

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