The Wolf III

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Varian was already well ahead of the others, using speed built up from months of avoiding swiping blades and grabbing hands. He didn't dare to call out her name, in case the Hunter was listening. Instead, he put his goggles over his eyes and ran faster, scanning the darkness.

He heard a howling sound and turned to that part of the woods, rushing through the forest that he'd been going through his entire life. Ruddiger clung to his shoulders as he ran, and he skidded to a stop when he saw a large figure standing in front of a treehouse.

"Found you." He walked up to her and reached out a hand, pulling his goggles up onto his head. "It's going to be okay."

She looked down at him with wide, glowing eyes. He walked towards her, still reaching out a hand. She stepped back, her large paw leaving a hard print on the ground. He stepped closer again and then reached out with the other hand as well. "Trust me." He said softly.

She stared down at him, then slowly lowered a large paw to wrap around him, lifting him up again. Ruddiger hissed in alarm and Varian made a shushing sound as he was set on the werewolf's-no, on Red's shoulder. He gently scratched the fur of her head and she let out a low growl of approval.

Something whizzed through the air and Varian jumped down, yanking her with him, just as a crossbow bolt barely missed them. He knelt next to her to make sure she was alright and then nudged Ruddiger off his shoulders. "It's going to be okay." He took off his backpack. "I won't let her hurt you."

"Harboring a werewolf, I suppose it should be expected of a criminal." Captain Creighton said, walking out of the shadow. "You should both be put down." She aimed her crossbow again.

"Red! Varian!"

A yellow rope swung out and lassoed the woman, wrapping tight. No, not rope. Hair. Rapunzel ran to join them, tugging her hair tight around the woman. Juniper ran over and kicked the crossbow away and Angry ran to her sister's side while Andrew, Quirin and Eugene surrounded the Hunter.

"Red, it's me!" Angry cried, walking up to her. "Are you in there?!"

"I don't know if she can understand us right now." Varian admitted. "I mean, beyond any wolf would." He looked at her. " can?"

She nodded, looking a bit awkward.

"Can you...change back?" Angry asked.

Red nodded and slowly changed back into her smaller, human form.

"There you go." Varian looked relieved.

"Red, how did this happen?" Angry asked, kneeling in front of her.

Rapunzel looked over as she held the hair taut.

Red sighed. "Last night, when you decided we needed to settle down, I wanted to tell you that I liked it out here. I wasn't ready to move, wouldn't hear me. So, I went outside to get some air after you fell asleep and that's..." she sighed, "when it found me." She wrapped her arms around herself. "It told me it could help me be heard. That it could use all of my angry feelings and give me what I want." She glanced away. "All I had to do was...let it."

Angry looked at her worriedly. "You should've told me, Red."

"So...why did you abduct me last night?" Varian asked.

"I...don't actually know." Red admitted. "Something about you appeals to the wolf, I think. I just...wanted to take you away and keep you safe forever and ever, and it's weird because I don't feel that way, you myself."

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