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It had been a month now since reconstruction started, and finally they were done. Rapunzel picked up some flowers from a decoration that been placed around her crown and put them in her hair with a smile as she looked around at the newly-rebuilt throne room. Finally, she was truly home.

"Well, we've still got trouble on the horizon, but let's try not to let that bug us, huh, Pascal?" She smiled at him sitting on her shoulder. "Let's go enjoy the festival today!" She headed through the doors and smiled at the people gathered.

"We've done a lot, faced who knows what," she smiled at Eugene, who winked at her, "still, though, we're not quite through yet."

She went outside with Eugene, arm in arm. "We have so much to do yet." She let go of his arm and jumped onto a bannister, looking around her. "More than a thing or two yet." She slid down the railing, "There's wounds we must heal, plans to make real," she hopped off the railing and landed in Eugene's waiting arms before he set her down. "Watch us and we'll do wonders." She grabbed his arm and pulled him along into the festival.

They stopped in front of a statue that was being revealed of Eugene and herself, and Eugene made it clear that he didn't agree with the tiny cactus used to make his nose. "Sure, we might make some blunders," Rapunzel looked towards Old Corona, thinking of her own mistakes, "we'll face them all head-on!" She headed off into the crowd, smiling up at the floats of Maximus and Pascal as she passed under them.

"We'll rise hand-in-hand, and rebuild this land; we're ready to stand and roar!" She took Eugene's hands and they danced under the floats for a bit until they were no longer under them anymore. "Will we give up? No! Never!"

She pulled away from him and threw up a fist. "We're stronger than ever before!"

Eugene laughed as he and Lance came over to her and they danced again. "We've made mistakes." He agreed, then let go of her so she could be caught by Lance.

"Had some bad breaks." Lance added, before she moved away and the two guys danced together as they finished, "That only makes us tougher!" in unison.

"Now, when the road gets rougher," Lance said as they walked arm-in-arm with Rapunzel between them.

"Frankly, we'll barely suffer." Eugene grinned.

"'Cause, though we've been burned," Rapunzel noticed something and smiled, letting go of them and running forward to throw her arms around Andrew's shoulders, who was sitting with Varian, his father and the other Saporians off to the side, "what have we learned?"

"Victory is earned, not given!" Eugene and Lance chimed in as Andrew lightly nudged her off with an amused smile. She let go of him and hugged Varian before she grinned and headed off again.

"We shape the world we live in." Rapunzel said as she grabbed some chalk and joined in with making a mural on the ground. "We're what we'll build upon!" She finished, Eugene and Lance joining in.

"The war may be won but, still, we're not done, we've only begun to soar!" They sang, standing on a cart dramatically before they laughed and moved on.

"Bolder," Rapunzel started.

"And far more clever," Eugene spun her around and threw her into the air before she landed in Lance's arms and they moved on again, circling back to the town square.

"And stronger than ever before!" They sang in unison.

"There's miles yet to go," A man sang as they joined in the dancing.

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