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"Froggy, I gotta say, that was the most delightful breakfast." Eugene said as he and Pascal finished up a breakfast they were sharing together. Rapunzel was spending breakfast with her parents, as well as the whole day, so it was just him and Pascal.

Oh, right. He'd also told Varian that he would come by and visit today. He groaned a bit, thinking of King Edmund. Despite what everyone had been saying, he still felt upset just thinking of the guy.

He decided to take a quick nap and headed up to his room with Pascal on his shoulder. He opened the door with a sigh, then gasped. "Good gravy, what happened in here?!"

Pascal's jaw dropped as they looked at the mess his room was right now. Things were knocked over, damaged, and the box with the sash was lying open on the ground, empty.

"Wait a minute. Somebody stole the sash!" He said, looking towards the window hanging open. "I've been robb-!" He stopped and brought a hand to his chest in realization. "...I've been robbed. So, that's how that feels."

"Somebody say 'robbed'?" Pete asked, hurrying in with Stan.

"Don't touch a thing, this is a crime scene!" Stan said, running in to check it over.

They had quickly fallen back into their roles after being let out of the mines Varian had sent them to, which is good because with the Captain gone, they were really the only guards Eugene actually knew and could work with.

"Take it easy, guys." He said, trying to brush it off. "Who cares about that silly, old sash?" He didn't want to admit it, but he did feel upset about losing it.

Especially since it was a family heirloom. He sighed, resigning himself to telling Edmund, and turned to go. "I need to to Edmund. Good luck, guys." He headed off to the stables.


He got off of Maximus outside of the manor in Old Corona and approached the door, knocking twice. The door opened and Varian smiled up at him. "Hey, Eugene!"

"Hey, kid..." Eugene sighed. "Is, uh, Edmund around?"

"Yeah, come on in." Varian nodded, opening the door wider to let him in. Eugene stepped past him and Varian closed the door. "Is everything okay?"

"Well," Eugene sighed. "Where's Edmund?"

Varian led him over to where Edmund was looking at Varian's family portrait. "Ah, Varian, there you are. I'm curious about this stripe in your hair, it seems that you were born with it?"

Varian shrugged. "No idea. Dad doesn't know, either, and mom..." he sighed, "she's gone."

Edmund nodded sadly, then looked to the side. "Oh! My son!" He smiled. "You're back!"

"Yeah, uh..." Eugene shifted a bit. "Dad, uhm...the sash is gone. Someone stole it."

"S-Someone stole the sash?!" He asked, taken aback.

"Yeah." Eugene nodded, glancing away. "I went to breakfast and it was gone when I came back. No idea where it is now. But, don't worry, Stan and Pete are on it, and they are perfectly capable at their jobs."

"No offense, Eugene, but Pete accepted a cookie from a 'man' in a bush. He's not the brightest torch in the room." Varian raised an eyebrow.

Edmund looked at them. "I will not leave Corona until our family's sash is safely recovered! Quirin!" He walked off to find him. "We have to find a thief!"

Eugene groaned. "Right...I'm sure things will be fine. Uh, sorry about him taking your dad on a, probably, wild-goose chase."

Quirin walked over to Varian. "Go pack your backpack. We're going out."

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