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Cassandra was hauled down to the isolation cell that Varian was taken to after he was first arrested and locked in. She noticed that they left her shackles on and barely recalled visiting Varian once after he'd been arrested.

"Why did you do it?" she'd asked. "Didn't you realize this would destroy your life? Your good reputation?"

He'd replied in a hollow voice that he had no "good reputation" to destroy and he had nothing to live for. He looked like he wanted to kill himself, like he maybe had tried and had been stopped. She wondered, back then, what could've driven the teenager to that point?

She still didn't know. She hadn't been there during his trial, when he might've said it. She didn't listen when Varian tried to stop her from falling into that darkness herself.

"Why did you do it?"

She didn't know. At least Varian had a good reason to do it, he was trying to get his father back and get people to finally listen to him.

"Why did you do it?"

Why did she do it? Why did she do any of it? Her insecurities and jealousy had been warped by Zhan Tiri into something completely ugly and then the Moonstone had given her power to think she deserved the world. And Varian, apparently. She still wasn't sure about that part, that was kind was like something else was in her, speaking to him, telling him those things about merging. She briefly considered the possibility of actually being in bed with Varian and then cringed. What was she thinking?! He was a child! Maybe in a few years, but as he was now?!

She groaned and leaned her head on the wall, thinking of how, when Varian was here, he at least had Ruddiger.

Cassandra had alienated everyone she was ever close to, human and animal alike.

Eugene hadn't even spared her a word before locking her in here. And why should he? This was all her fault, her choices, her actions, her fault. Despite what Zhan Tiri said, she chose to take the Moonstone. She sighed and flexed her fingers, looking at her shackles. They weren't too different, appearance-wise, to Varian's when she had him chains up outside the ruins of her mother's tower and then cuffed him to force him to go up those stairs.

She swallowed back tears. Varian was too good for this rotten world. He was too smart, too pure, too innocent and even when the world tore into him with its claws, he still managed to smile through it all. It's no wonder her mother had chosen him over her. He was the silver lining on a stormy day.

But, he was also the lightning in the clouds, ready and willing to strike you if you cross him. When he was good, he was very, very good, and when he was bad, he was horrid.

She still couldn't believe how long it'd taken her to realize that maybe, just maybe, the reason her Moon form was incomplete was because of the boy with the teal stripe in his hair.

She heard the lock turn and looked over to see the door opening. Was it time for her trial already? The door opened and she tensed as Rapunzel stepped inside.

"Cassandra." She said, using her Princess Voice.

"Your Highness." She replied, her head bowed, either in shame or respect, she didn't know.

"I have been asked to inform you that your trial will be in one week. That is how long the Saporians think it will take to repair all the damage to the city." Rapunzel walked over to her. "During which time, you will be expected to reflect on your crimes, which will be read out to you by our Royal Advisor when the time comes." She paused, dropping her Princess Voice. "By the way...Lucas disappeared shortly before the portal was put into use, Ruddiger said. Do you know where he is?"

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