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They ended up not going to Mount Saison. By the time they got to Old Corona, Ruddiger was feeling hungry and they ended up going apple picking while also trying to get Ruddiger to climb out of the tree he went up, with Eugene and Andrew eventually racing each other to the top while Varian impatiently called to his raccoon.

Before they knew it, Andrew was getting the call to come back to the Capital, so off they went.

"You know, I think you should be proud of me. All this time, I haven't said anything about the secret." Eugene said as they walked to the throne room together.

"What secret?" Quirin asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, nothing, just a secret." Eugene said, looking pleased with himself.

Varian exchanged amused glances with Andrew and his father.

"Well, looks like it's time." Andrew opened the door and they walked into the darkened throne room.

As soon as Eugene stepped inside, flares came on to light up the room and Eugene saw Rapunzel standing in the middle of the room in front of a banner that read [HAPPY BIRTHDAY EUGENE FITZHERBERT!].

"Surprise!" Everyone yelled in unison, while Eugene's jaw dropped.

"This...I...but, you said...mine?" He looked at Varian, who nodded.

"A clever trick to make sure you didn't find out." Varian grinned. "Being sneaky is one of my best traits, but this was actually Rapunzel's idea."

Eugene looked at Rapunzel. "For me?" She nodded with a smile. "A party? For me? Why? I mean, my birthday..."

"Is actually today!" Rapunzel said, as King Edmund walked up to Eugene with a smile.

"Dad..." Eugene breathed. "You...arranged this for me?"

"I thought that it was the least I could do, after I...had to send you away. I really missed you, and all those birthdays with you." He held out his arm and Eugene hugged him. "I'm just glad that I could be here for this one."

"Dad, this...this is amazing!" Eugene hugged him tighter, then pulled away. "I can't believe it! A party, for me! To celebrate the day of my birth! And you all came together for this! I'm...I'm amazed! And very surprised!"

Rapunzel giggled. "Come on, we had a cake made for you!"

"A-A birthday cake?" He said in awe.

"Wasn't easy getting Attila and Lance back here to bake it." Juniper chuckled. "Kai had to start it in the end. Too bad Varian was too busy, you should try some of his cakes." She winked at Varian, who blushed.

Eugene walked over to look at the cake. "Wow, this...this is some intricate handiwork, wow. The castle is just...and here's Rapunzel's balcony...And...oh, wait...huh. Uhm, Blondie, is it just me, or is there one more candle here than there should be?"

"Nope." Rapunzel walked over to stand next to him. "Apparently, the orphanage not only didn't have the right date, but also the wrong year. Edmund told us that you're turning twenty-six today."

"" He breathed. "I had no idea." He looked at his father. "The things you learn when you meet your parents, huh, Blondie?"

She smiled and nudged him. "Why don't you make a wish?"

He looked back at the cake. " I've never had a birthday party before." He smiled at her. "Thanks, Sunshine." He smiled at the cake. "I can think of at least one wish I'd like to have come true in the near future."

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