The Wolf II

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The moon was shining brightly overhead through the bedroom window. Varian woke up and slowly disentangled himself from Andrew's arms, where he'd fallen asleep while talking to the man. He climbed out of bed and let out a sigh, heading out of the room.

He didn't know why he was up, but he couldn't sleep. He stopped when he saw the manor door open and went outside, looking around. "Dad?" He called, looking around into the gloom.

A shadow moved in the darkness and he gasped, looking over. "...Dad?" He called again.

A figure came out of the fog and approached him with glowing, red eyes. He stepped back, his eyes widening. "You're...not dad." At least, he hoped it wasn't.

The creature reached out and he stepped back, alarmed. Its large paw cupped his head and then he was pulled towards it. "U-Uh, okay." He said nervously as he was pulled into its embrace. Then he was lifted up and carried off and he wasn't sure what to do. Scream? Fight? He didn't know who this was, and they didn't seem to mean him any least, not for the moment.

Maybe, if he cooperated, he would figure out who this was.


She couldn't explain it. Something about him drew her to him, like a moth to a flame - no, less violent. More like a wolf to the full moon, gentle and beautiful and so, so hard to resist. She carried Varian in her arms as she went deep into the forest, taking him...where? Yes, that place may work.

Varian clutched at her fur as they went up to an old shack that was falling apart but would do to hide her stolen treasure. Because that was what he was, wasn't he? Stolen treasure, so beautiful but helpless. But, she knew he was anything but helpless. He was like her, a wolf that hid beneath the guise of a sheep to blend in. The Alchemist of Old Corona, the biggest threat anyone had ever seen in centuries. A boy just trying to live life without others pushing him around.

She understood that. She was always being pushed around, never given the chance to make her own choices without being judged or shot down. Dragged along by an eager hand that just wanted to "help".

She reached the shack and pushed open the door, carrying him in before her tail pushed it shut with a swing. She carried him to a pile of stolen treasure and set him down before curling up around him, holding him close.

He had to be the most priceless of the treasures here, and she wanted to make sure he stayed. She felt his gloved hand slip into her fur and give her a gentle scratch and she let out a soft moan of happiness, nuzzling him and kicking her leg, wanting more.

"Heh, you're...friendly." Varian said awkwardly. "But...why did you bring me here?"

Couldn't he tell? This place was full of stolen treasure. He was stolen treasure. Obviously.

"I...guess you can't speak, uh, human while in this form, can you?" He asked.

She could, she just didn't want to. Besides, she was enjoying seeing him rack his brain to try to figure out who she was. She nuzzled him again and he continued the scratches.

She didn't know why she felt such a pull towards him. When she first saw his Wanted poster, she hadn't felt this way but meeting him she felt like she wanted to keep him and hide him away with her, forever. Or, at least until the night ended. In her human form, there was no way she could keep him here...

Unless she used chains. Yes, she could bind him here when he fell asleep but, for now, she would keep him here in her arms.

"Well, uh...this has, gotta take me back tomorrow, okay?" Varian yawned. "Whoever you are."

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