Chapter One: Birth

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. . .‧₊˚ ✩ CHAPTER ONE ⁺◟༉ . . .ꜜ
❨ ∘ 𝔞𝔠𝔱 𝔦 ∘ ❩
lydia maria stark

ꜜ ❨ ∘ 𝔞𝔠𝔱 𝔦 ∘ ❩ BIRTH❛lydia maria stark❜

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As the screen turns it shows Tony a younger version of him pacing as he runs his hands through his hair.

Tony smiles as he remembers this day. It was the most stressful but the best day of his life.

"Tony!" Rhodey calls out heading towards Tony with a stuffed wolf as Tony turns to him.

"It's a girl and...," Tony begins trailing off as Rhodey walks closer to him.

"But Elizabeth didn't survive," Tony tells Rhodey who looks at him sadly.

"Whose Elizabeth?" Maria asks her son who sighs looking at her.

"Lydia's birth mother. Her placenta ruptured and they had to do a C-section. She lost too much blood and died on the table," Tony tells his mom who looks at him sadly.

"I'm sorry Tony," Maria tells her son who nods.

While he and Elizabeth weren't that close he did care about her. For she gave him his daughter. His greatest blessing so a part of him would always care for her.

"Tony I'm sorry," Rhodey tells him as Tony shakes his head.

"I can't do this! I can't be a dad!" Tony tells Rhodey who looks at him worriedly.

"I didn't have a good role model. I had Jarvis but he's dead. My parents. Ana's dead and Peggy is..," Tony says shaking his head as he runs his fingers through his hair.

The older generation looks towards each other and then Tony sadly. They all died and left him. 

"Tony come with me," Rhodey tells him making Tony confused as Rhodey begins walking away.

Tony huffs as he follows him not knowing where they were going.

Rhodey stops as he washes his hand and then puts on hand sanitizer before gesturing for Tony to do the same.

Tony glares at him but does it as Rhodey walks into the room. Tony follows him confused before he pauses to see the little hospital bassinet.

"Rhodey," Tony says shaking his head as Rhodey tells him to come here.

"Tony breathe and hold her," Rhodey instructs Tony who shakes his head.

"Now Tony," Rhodey tells him as Tony sighs but walks towards the baby girl who was swaddled in a warm blanket sound asleep.

"Oh she is precious," Maria says as Tony nods smiling. He will never be able to thank Rhodey enough for this moment. It changed everything.

Being careful Tony picks the baby girl up as Rhodey instructs him how to hold her.

Tony looks down at the little girl in his arms as she opens her eyes looking right into his. Brown eyes looking into brown eyes.

Tony raises his hand softly as he rubs her cheek before the little baby girl wraps her entire hand around his pinky making Tony chuckle as he looks at her with pure adoration.

Rhodey smiles at the scene in front of him. At that moment he saw his best friend completely change.

At that moment he was no longer a playboy who got drunk and high all day and every day. Now he was a father.

"Lydia. Lydia Maria Stark," Tony tells Rhodey who nods smiling.

"Perfect," Rhodey tells Tony who nods but still looks at Lydia amazed.

"Yeah, she is," Tony mutters with a soft smile looking at his daughter.

"You named her after me?" Maria asks Tony who smiles as he nods.

"Yeah and let me tell you she reminds me so much of you mom. Especially her blonde hair," Tony tells Maria who smiles tears in her eyes as she nods her head trying not to sob right then and there.

Howard beside her closes his eyes remembering the first time he held Tony.

He felt the exact same way his son did but he truly hoped his son would be a better father than he ever was.

And by the looks in Tony's eyes, he knew he would be and already was.

❀ ༄ ❀ AUTHOR NOTE ❀ ༄ ❀
And it begins. This act will be short it will be Lydia growing up with Tony.

Also, I changed the timeline slightly. While Peter was born on August 10, 2001. It is now August 10, 2000, and Lydia's birthday is November 8, 2000

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! I love you all!  <333

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