Chapter Six: Elizabeth

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❨ ∘ 𝔞𝔠𝔱 4 ∘ ❩
. . .‧₊˚ ✩ CHAPTER SIX ✩.‧₊˚ . . .

❛my little princess lydia❜━━━━━ ✧༺✶༻✧ ━━━━━

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my little princess lydia
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Thirteen years ago was shown on the screen making many confused before the date shown.

January 13 1999 was shown making Tony look wide-eyed before looking towards Lydia who was confused.

Tony was shown laughing with different guys with girls all over him as he drank. They were in some restaurant.

A woman with blonde hair walks up to the table with an annoyed expression on her face.

Lydia's breath caught her throat seeing the woman on the screen. Her blonde hair looks just like Lydia's.

Tears appear in the girl's eyes as she squeezes Peter's hand not even realizing it Peter looks at her worriedly.

"Can you not quiet it down? Others are trying to have a nice evening," the woman tells them with her accent shown as Tony looks up at her with a smirk.

"Sorry gorgeous, but if you want you can show us, or with me?" Tony asks her as the girl scoffs.

"I would rather do anything else," the woman tells him as she walks away from the table Tony watches her go.

"I'll be back," Tony says jumping up as he rushes after the woman.

"Hey! Hello! Beautiful woman!" Tony yells after she makes the woman sigh.

"What? Can you not take the hint?" she asks him as Tony smiles at her.

"I don't think I introduced myself. I'm Tony Stark," Tony tells her as she nods.

"I know. Goodbye," she tells him turning around as Tony watches her go confused.

Lydia laughs at this with a soft smile as Tony watches with tears slightly in his eyes. He did love her maybe not in a romantic way but he did love her.

He wasn't the only one who had tears in his eyes. So did someone else.

"Wait let's get some coffee," Tony tells her as she pauses.

"And maybe I can get your name," Tony tells her with his famous Stark smirk.

"Only coffee and I'm Elizabeth," Elizabeth tells him with a soft smile as Tony looks at her.

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