Chapter Twelve: Babies and Talks

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❨ ∘ 𝔞𝔠𝔱 4 ∘ ❩
. . .‧₊˚ ✩ CHAPTER TWELVE ✩.‧₊˚ . . .
Babies and Talks

❛the deal and offer❜━━━━━ ✧༺✶༻✧ ━━━━━

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the deal and offer
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"Daddy!" Lydia screams running through the Stark mansion.

"Oh no," Lydia mutters as does Happy, Tony, and Rhodey as Pepper laughs at them making everyone confused.

"Lydia!" Tony yells running towards his daughter who looked at him pale and wide-eyed.

"Dad! I'm dying!" Lydia tells him wide-eyed as Tony looks at her confused.

Pepper begins to laugh loudly as Lydia glares at her.

"It's not funny!" Lydia tells her as Pepper nods but laughs harder as Lydia sighs.

"Lyds breath and explain," Tony tells his daughter who takes a deep breath looking at her dad.

"I'm bleeding," Lydia tells Tony who nods at her still not understanding.

Everyone in the room nods as they figure out what was happening before chuckling slightly Lydia pouts making Peter hug her as Lydia smiles at him slightly.

"Alright where?" Tony asks her as he looks over his daughter.

"Tony," Maria says shaking her head as she laughs at his son.

"Oh just wait. It gets worse," Lydia tells her grandmother as Maria looks at her before laughing at the two.

"Dad. Down there," Lydia tells him sheepishly as Tony nods before looking wide-eyed.

"Oh. Oh!" Tony yells as he looks at his daughter who just looks at him.

"Uhm well princess this is normal. It happens when you reach a certain age," Tony says although very awkwardly.

"Why?" Lydia asks her dad as Tony just nods his head trying to figure out what to say. 

"Your uterus gets excited for a baby and decorates all pretty, and when the baby doesn't come it rips down the decorations in anger," Tony says nodding his head proud of himself.

"Tony!" Pepper Maria Natasha Ana and Peggy yell at him as Tony looks at them sheepishly.

"I wasn't prepared for this conversation! Or the one it led to!" Tony yells defending himself as Lydia shakes her head at him.

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