Chaptet Six: Arc Reactor

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. . .‧₊˚ ✩ CHAPTER SIX ⁺◟༉ . . .
❨ ∘ 𝔞𝔠𝔱 𝔦𝔦 ∘ ❩

❨ ∘ 𝔞𝔠𝔱 𝔦𝔦 ∘ ❩ ARC REACTOR❛palladium❜

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In the Stark Mansion Pepper is watching the news.

"Stark Industries! I've got one recommendation! Ready? Ready? Sell, sell, sell! Abandon ship! Does the Hindenburg ring any bells? Let me show you the new Stark Industries business plan! Look, that's a weapons company that doesn't make weapons!" The newscast says.

"He does know Stark Industries isn't just weapons right?" Howard asks as Tony shrugs not knowing. 

Pepper wines not pulling her eyes away from the screen

"Pepper. How big are your hands?" Tony asks her over the intercom making Pepper confused and making Pepper look do at the screen that shows the incoming link with her picture beside it.

Pepper glares at Tony who smiles at her making Pepper shake her head at him.

"What?" Pepper asks him confused as she accepts the link.

"How big are your hands?" Tony asks her once again.

"That didn't sound right," Clint says trying not to laugh as Natasha rolls her eyes at him.

"I don't understand why...," Pepper tells him as she trails off.

"Get down here. I need you," Tony tells her making Pepper jump up from her spot as she heads toward Tony's workshop.

Once she enters she sees Lydia sitting down drawing something concentrated with headphones over her eyes listening to either Taylor Swift or AC/DC.

She then sees Tony lying shirtless on a reclining stretcher and her arc reactor is shown in his chest.

"Hey. Let's see them. Show me your hands. Let's see them," Tony says capturing Pepper's attention as she holds up her hands wiggling them as she comes closer to him.

"Oh, wow. They are small. Very petite, indeed. I just uh.. need your help for a sec," Tony compliments making Pepper confused.

"Oh my God, is that the thing keeping you alive?" Pepper stares at the Arc Reactor with a sort of frightened curiosity.

"It was, now it is an antique," Tony tells her as the heart-rate monitor beeps steadily beside him.

"I don't like this," Maria whispers as Peggy and Ana's nod agreeing with her.

"This," Tony says as she holds up a more brighter and bluer version of the Arc Reactor.

"Is what will be keeping me alive for the foreseeable future. Lydia helped me build it. And I was swapping it for an upgraded unit when I just ran into a little... speed bump," Tony explains to Pepper who looks at him in concern.

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