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at the end of the day
i love you in secret
underneath my hands i cover my heart
glowing quietly underneath my fingertips
it hurts to breathe
no matter how hurt you make me feel
the wind nicks my dry nose painfully
sore from the tissues strewn upon my desk
i love you subconsciously
stuck in the back of my mind
sick to my stomach
beating till i'm sore.
when will i let myself dance under the crystal lights,
i painstakingly cut for you?
they shine in the sunlight
casting rainbows on your skin.
it hurts to look at you
the love clouds my eyes
i cannot see two steps in front of me
what more can i do than painfully continue?
unending persistence leaks through my bandages
i see the faint pigment starting to seep into the fabric.
they twinkle for you, i shine.
brighter as the flames lick my eyes
this smoke hurts my lungs.

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