Chapter 2

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"Where the hell have you been?" you half ask and half shout at Dustin when you see him opening the front door.

"Uh, with Steve" he replied as he walked past.

"Wait as in Harrington? Why were you with him? Actually you can answer that later. Mom just got home from Loch Nora and said Mews wasn't there. You're supposed to be looking for our cat, not gallivanting around with Steve Harrington."

"Steve needed some guy time, Nancy broke up with him and he wanted someone to hang out with."

"And he chose you? Doesn't he have friends his own age he can do that with?"

"Don't know, but we did look for Mews and she wasn't anywhere that we saw but we're going to try again tomorrow. Night sis," he closed his door leaving you outside it.

Rolling your eyes as you turned on your heel and headed towards your own room, you closed the door and curled up under the blankets before going to sleep. Sleeping soundly until morning. The next day Dustin seemed to be in hurry to leave, you followed him out of the house as he quickly made his way towards Steve Harrington's car.

"Don't wait up, I might be late!" Dustin shouted.

"Dustin you get your ass back here by curfew!"

He waved his hand at you dismissively and you rolled your eyes. Steve gave you a bit of an awkward wave like he wasn't sure if he should do it or not or if he should say something to you but you gave him a wave back before heading back inside.

"Where's Dusty?" your mom asked.

"He's gone off looking for Mews mom, why don't you and I drive around for a bit looking alright?" you replied.

She nods her head and you guys spend most of the day looking for Mews and asking neighbors and friends again if they have seen the cat. When dark had come and the time drew closer and closer to midnight you began to get a bit worried because Dustin hadn't returned home yet. You called around to his friends' houses trying to see if he was at any of them. You don't have the Harrington's number so you couldn't look there. Finally the phone rang and you answered it.


"Sorry, the time got away from me. I just got to the Byers. I'm going to be spending the night here. Can you tell mom please? Will needs us, you know with the anniversary coming up he doesn't want to be alone" Dustin said over the phone.

You give a sigh, understanding that Dustin wants to be with his friend at a time like this. The anniversary of Will's disappearance was soon and you were glad that Dustin wanted to be with his friend. So you tell him it's okay and you'll let mom know. Before telling him goodnight and telling him you'll see him tomorrow. You go to your mom's room where she was reading and barely awake to tell her about Dustin before you go to your own room for the night.

The next day your mom went off to run some errands, you were home studying. You were taking a break to get some lunch made and noticed the trash needed to be taken out. So carrying the bag and tossing it in the can you heard a car pull up, you see Steve's car. You walked over to it as he stopped to let Dustin out.

"How's Will?" you ask as Dustin opens the door and gets out.

"He's doing better now, I might go back later or tomorrow you know" Dustin replies.

"Thanks for bringing him home Ste–" you stop speaking when you see Steve's face. "What happened to you?"

"Protecting shitheads," Steve replied.

"Billy came to the Buyers looking for his sister and apparently he doesn't like Lucas so he threatened him and Steve punched Billy," Dustin said.

"You got into a fight with Billy Hargrove?" you asked leaning down to see Steve better.

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