Chapter 6

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The next day you were in the hall with your friend Meg in between classes. You were heading to your lockers to swap books. Hers was on the way to yours so you just walked and talked along the way.

"What are you doing tonight?" you ask her.

"Nothing yet, why?" she replies.

"Wanna go listen to a band play nearby?"

"What band?"

"Corroded Coffin."

"Isn't that like a heavy metal band or something, why in the world would you want to listen to them?" she looks at you questioningly as she opens her locker and swaps her books.

"Broadening my horizons."

"More like checking out their lead guitarist," she smirks while closing the locker.

"What? No! Eddie is just a friend that I want to go and support."

"Yeah sure, 'support' then get yourself invited back to his place and in his bed."

"I've already been to his place."

"Oh really? Well I guess if you want to go support your crush then I can't let you go alone."

"He isn't my crush and thank you, come to my place after school?"

"I will be there."

After going to your locker next, you both head off to your next class. The school day went by fast, you picked Dustin up from the middle school and headed home. You work on a bit of homework before Meg shows up and you both head out that evening to The Hideout to watch Eddie and the band play.

You show up and see Eddie getting things set up on stage with the other band members. You couldn't actually remember any of their names and you hadn't formally met any of them. You just heard about them from Eddie and he told them about you. Eddie has yet to see you, so you and Meg find some seats at a table near the middle. The band warms up and as they start to play the first song Eddie glances out and sees you. You notice it because he has a brief look of confusion on his face before continuing on. They played a few songs and you had to admit that even though this wasn't the type of music you were really into, they were good. They finished their set and Eddie made his way over to your table.

"I thought I was dreaming when I first saw you, I didn't think you'd actually come," Eddie said, taking the empty seat at the table.

"Well I told you that I would come support you," you reply "and the guys of course." A blush rising in your cheeks.

"Well thanks for coming, did you enjoy yourselves?" he smiled.

"Yeah, you guys were good."

"I'm Meg by the way, not just y/n's invisible friend that she dragged along" Meg says, giving a wave of her hand.

"Of course not, I'm Eddie" he tells her.

"We should get going though, it's getting late and unfortunately some of us have a curfew."

"Oh right, uh. Well I guess we have to go now, but uh I'll see you around school" you say as you and Meg stand up from the table.

"Of course, and hopefully I'll see you around here again sometime" Eddie smiled as he spoke.

"Maybe you will," you smile and blush lightly.

"Goodnight," Meg says to Eddie before taking your arm.

"Goodnight Eddie," you say as Meg pulls you out.

"Night ladies," Eddie stands up as he watches you leave.

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