Chapter 11

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Prom night arrived quickly, you were working on finishing touches to your hair when the doorbell rang. Dustin called out that he would get the door. You had only just the other day told your mom and Dustin that you and Eddie are dating. You could hear Dustin questioning Eddie while you make your way out of your room.

"Dusty, must you be bombarding him with D&D questions tonight?" you ask.

Both Eddie and Dustin look your way once they hear your voice, a camera flash goes off and you know that your mom was capturing this moment to eventually add to the photo album she had of you and Dustin.

"Wow, you look great," Dustin said smiling. "And I wasn't talking about D&D, I was making sure he knew that if he didn't treat you well I would beat his ass."

"I appreciate it Dusty but I don't think you could take him," you pinch his cheek.

"You look incredible," Eddie said.

A blush rises to your cheeks at his words and you note that he has cleaned up pretty well himself. Still sporting some tight jeans of course but without any holes and he has a nice dress shirt on.

"You're pretty incredible looking yourself," you reply.

"Photo time," your mom said.

After about ten minutes of photos being taken you were finally in Eddie's van heading to the school for prom. Music was playing and you bopped your head to the beat, Eddie let you choose the music and you caught him tapping his fingers on the steering wheel a few times.

After parking Eddie came to your side, opened the door and helped you get out. Once he closed it after you were out you looped your arm with his and began to make your way to the building. Along the way you saw Jeff, Gareth and Alex all walking together towards the school. You felt Eddie twitch a bit as you got closer.

"You okay?" you ask.

"A bit nervous I guess, never been seen to dressed up before" Eddie replied honestly.

"Well you are very handsome and once this night is over you can go back to rocking your usual jacket and ripped jeans and I won't ask you to ever again get so fancy."

Eddie nods his head and you reach the doors about the same time as the rest of the Hellfire Club who take notice of their leader so nicely dressed that they begin to make comments on it. Of course they too were well dressed but wore suits, whereas Eddie wasn't.

"Damn I wish I could have worn jeans, mom made me wear a suit for this stupid thing" Gareth said.

"Well you all look really nice," you compliment them and notice them either blush or begin to fidget nervously.

You all enter into the school and you smile wide seeing the gym all decorated wonderfully for the prom. Music was playing at a good volume which was not too loud but still enough to hear what song was playing. You saw Robin across the room and waved to her which she returned before continuing the conversation she was having with a band member. After being there for a few minutes and sticking mostly towards the back while others had started dancing or getting refreshments, one of your favorite songs came on and you turned to Eddie.

"I love this song. Let's go dance," you said.

"Alright," Eddie replied.

You smile and feel his hand in yours as you make your way to where the other students were dancing and begin to dance along. Another good song came on after it and you waved your hand over to the boys asking them to join you and Eddie. Jeff came over but Gareth and Alex stayed put. Jeff had some moves and you were impressed. You began to realize that you didn't really know much about the boys of Hellfire other than their love of D&D and playing music. Once the song was done you headed with Eddie to get some punch, arms wrapped around you and a voice was near your ear.

My Hope and Light (Eddie Munson X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now