Chapter 7

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Sunday came, you chose a comfy outfit to wear and waited outside for Eddie. He pulled up, got out of the van and walked up to you.

"Morning my lady," he said smiling.

"Good morning, though it's almost afternoon technically. I hope what I am wearing is right for whatever you have planned" you reply.

"You look beautiful and it'll be just fine."

Eddie opens the passenger side door for you, closes it once you're inside then goes to the drivers side. Once he has settled himself and you both are buckled he begins to drive and after about twenty minutes or so you guys arrive at a little quiet park area when he finally parks. He opens your door and you get out.

"Let me guess, a picnic in the park?" you ask.

"Yeah, what gave it away?" he replied.

"Well there isn't much here, except for maybe some trails I haven't noticed yet and I noticed a basket in the back."

"Observant I see, well shall we pick a good spot to sit?"

He gets the basket and a blanket out of the back of his van then the two of you find a nice place to set things up. You smile when he passes you your favorite type of sandwich and drink.

"You remembered," you say while taking them.

"Yeah," he replies with a smile.

You both begin to eat and talk a bit between bites. You compliment him again about how well Corroded Coffin did and he tells you how good the school band played. After about ten minutes of small talk he pulls out some dessert.

"I couldn't find your favorite but I hope that your second will do," he said.

"It works just fine Eddie, really you didn't have to do all of my favorite things. I would enjoy this no matter what it was," you reply.

"I know but I wanted the date to be special."

"Well it is, thank you."

After enjoying the dessert you lay back on the blanket and look up at the clouds, pointing at what you see in them. Not even thinking that Eddie might find it odd.

"You missed something important about that one," Eddie says as he lays next to you.

"What?" You look at him.

"It's wearing a hat."

"No it's not."

"You aren't even looking at it anymore," he is looking at you now too.

"Well neither are you, so we are both wrong I guess."

"It appears so."

He smiles while looking at you which makes you blush as you realize that you have been probably very childish the past five minutes but he didn't seem to care. He reaches a hand over and gently tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear, it had fallen into your face and you barely even noticed until you felt his touch.

"So, when's the next time you guys are playing?" you ask.

"Tuesday, same place and time every week" he replies.

"Well I just maybe might come watch again."

"Well I'll keep an eye out for you."

After about twenty minutes of just laying there talking about music in general which was a major thing you had in common even though it wasn't the same type of music, you guys get up and decide that it's time to head back. He is ever the gentleman opening doors and closing them, and when you arrive back home he walks you to the door.

"I had a great time Eddie, thank you for a lovely date" you say.

"It was my pleasure y/n, I am glad you enjoyed it. Perhaps we could do it again sometime," he replies.

"I'd like that, I should get inside. I'll see you at school."

"See you there."

You watch him leave and you go inside the house, smiling the whole time before making your way to your room and immediately calling up Meg and then Robin to gush all the details of the date. Dustin comes in at one point asking you to stop giggling so much and that dinner would be ready shortly.

About two weeks have gone by, you have been to the Hideout again and if nothing else it helped the rest of the band members be more okay with you potentially joining a Hellfire club night. Eddie has also shown up to another basketball game to watch you in the band, clearly feeling out of place and not caring what was actually going on during the game. It made you smile that he was there. You guys haven't been on any more dates because school and its activities have kept you both busy but you do talk more when you catch each other in the halls.

A/N: Sorry its on the shorter side, caught a cold and my creativity is not flowing. I didn't want to keep the cute date from you guys any longer though so I am posting it even though it's short.

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