Chapter 20

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After a week you came up with how Eddie is going to make things up to you and all week he looked like a sad puppy because you barely talked to him and he has waited to hear if you have forgiven him. Finally on Friday you asked Eddie to meet you in the Hellfire Club room during lunch.

"I have come up with how you can make things up to me," you tell him.

"Okay, what is it?" Eddie asked.

"Come to next week's game."

"That's it? All I have to do is sit through a basketball game?"

"That's it, the whole game."

"What's the catch?"

"You can't bring anything d&d related, or talk about it."

"I think I can do that."

"Good. After that, all will be forgiven."

"Thanks princess, I'll be there."

Game day had come, you were sitting in the bleachers with the band like usual and sitting in the crowd was Eddie. Dustin and Mike were there too, Lucas is on the team and they come to support him. They of course spotted Eddie and sat with him. You saw him bouncing his knee and saying something to them. Most likely asking them to stop talking about d&d. He looked at you, you blew a kiss and he gave a quick smile.

"What did you do to Eddie?" Robin asks.

"I told him I would only forgive him if he came to the game and didn't talk about d&d, and it looks to be killing him because those two don't know he can't talk about it" you reply.


You guys play, the team ends up winning and you go meet Eddie once it ends. You still have to change and put your gear away but figured you'd let him know all was forgiven first.

"Wonderful as always my goddess," Eddie said before kissing you.

"Thank you," you replied.

"What did you do to Eddie?" Dustin asked.

"I told him he couldn't talk about d&d while at the game."


"Because I'm cruel and wanted to take all your fun away."

Dustin did not find it amusing, he gave you the middle finger and walked away with Mike. Clearly they wanted nothing more than to talk d&d with Eddie once they saw him here.

"You are forgiven," you say before kissing Eddie.

"Really? For real? Oh thank you! I have been dying" Eddie exclaims.

"Follow me home and then we can go back to your place?"

"Sounds like a good plan to me."

You come out of the band room a few minutes later, Dustin is waiting by the car talking to Eddie. Probably d&d. You walk up and get in the car before Eddie has a chance to open the door. Dustin gets in a minute later and then you head home. Eddie follows and you go from your car into his. He takes you back to his place, Wayne is gone for the night at work.

Spring Break was almost here, the basketball team qualified for the championship and it was a big deal. A pep rally is to be had, you were ready to go but were waiting on your brother.

"Dusty, what's going on you're going to be late" your mom said.

You heard something about Dustin being naked and banged on his door after your mom left then barged in. There was no way he was still getting dressed.

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