Chapter 17

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"I'll be home late!" Dustin calls while heading to the door.

"Where are you going?" you ask.

"The Byers, they are moving today so we're all helping out."

You nod your head, you weren't close with any of them but understood Dustin wanting to go. It was also his last chance to see them.

"Do you need a ride?' you ask.

After you ask that there is a knock on the door, of course he wasn't going to need a ride. He had Steve for that now. Why do the uncool thing of going places with your sister when you could be seen with Steve Harrington. Dustin opens the door and on the other side is indeed Steve.

"Hi Steve," you said.

"Hey y/n, ready Dustin? We have to pick Robin up on the way" Steve said.

"Yeah, just tell mom I'll be home late" Dustin replies.

"I will tell them I say bye and good luck in California" you tell him.

He nods then heads out, Steve stays at the door for a minute. He looks at you and you are not sure why he is still standing there. You step up to the door and he runs a hand through his hair.

"Oh is Megan?" he asked.

"She's doing better, I'm going over to her place later actually" you reply.

"Please let her know that if there is any I can do for her, I'm here."

You were a bit confused and he sighs before shaking his head.

"I know I was a shit boyfriend to her at first and she broke things off but I still care about her."

You had sort of forgotten that Megan and Steve dated a few years ago, back before he dated Nancy and Meg was with Billy. It was sweet to see Steve caring about her, he was a bit of a shitty boyfriend to her in the beginning of their relationship but you did see that there was actual care for each other.

"I'll let her know," you said.


He leaves, you close the door and feel like there was something he wasn't saying about wanting Megan to know he was there if she needed it. You didn't know what but you would keep your promise of telling her. An hour later you did head out to Megan's house.

"Steve asked me to tell you that if you need anything he's here for you" you tell her.

"Thanks, he's almost like a new man now. I don't know what your little brother has done but Steve is not like he once was" she replied.

"Its weird, like seeing him so nice and hanging out with the kids."

"Well those kids really look up to him."

"Dustin practically worships him."

We both break out laughing, imagining if this was happening a few years ago and how it might have played out. Steve 'the hair' Harrington being friends with a bunch of middle school kids.

"So Corroded Coffin is playing Tuesday, want to come?" you ask after you've calmed down.

"You really are a supportive girlfriend aren't you?" she asked.

"I try to be, besides the music is growing on me. I mean I'm not going out buying music similar to it but I will listen to them play."

"Do you think he'll do the same come basketball season? Give up some Hellfire sessions to watch you play?"

"I don't know, maybe. He did promise to come for the winter concert."

"Look at you go."

You spend the next several hours there before heading back home, Steve arrived around the same time with Dustin. You invite him to stay for dinner, the least you could offer as a thanks for all he does with your brother.

"It's not going to be the same, everything is going to be different now," Dustin said.

He pushed his food around the plate, he was sad about his friend leaving and it was understandable. It must have been a hard decision for Mrs. Byers but she could also understand her not wanting to stay any longer after everything that has happened.

"It will be, but think of all the fun things Will can tell you about California" you say.


You pat his shoulder then talk with Steve a bit while Dustin sits there slowly eating, hopefully he would be able to cheer up before long. You hoped that Will moving wasn't going to affect the kids too much for a long time. They had at least all still have each other.

"Would it cheer you up if I go to the game on Friday?"

He shrugged.

"What if we rent a movie this weekend then? You can have the gang over, we could have pizza too. Whatever you want."

It was going to be hard to get him cheered up right now it seemed. You just clean up from dinner and he goes to his room. You usually could cheer him up, but this time nothing was enough.

"Give him time, he'll be alright" Steve said.

"Yeah, I feel like there is more to it than what he is saying" you reply.

"First friend to move away, it's hard."

"Thanks for everything you do with him and for him, I'm sure it isn't helping your cool guy status with the ladies."

"Pretty sure striking out is not due to a bunch of kids."

"Well you'll find the right girl, just give it time. You are too great of a catch to be left single forever."

"Thanks Henderson."

"You're welcome."

Tuesday came and Megan picked you from the house, you go and find a place near the front to watch the boys play. Megan was beginning to relax a bit, she hadn't really been out to do anything fun since Billy died. Understandable of course but no one could live on just working and be okay. When their set was done Eddie came over to you and Megan.

"Ladies, lovely to see you here" he said.

"Well I don't think this one would have taken no for answer," Megan joked.

"I would have...eventually" you reply.

"It's good to see you again Meg" Eddie said.

"Thanks, I feel okay getting out again. He wouldn't have shown it of course but Billy wouldn't want me wallowing over him for too long."

You sit and talk for a bit before you head out, still have a curfew and not really wanting to break it. You kiss Eddie goodnight before leaving with Megan.

"Thanks for making me come out, I needed it" Megan said driving.

"You're welcome. I know you'd do the same for me," you reply.

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