Chapter 19

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"It's here! The information for the performance!" You shout holding up the letter.

Reading it aloud to your mom and Dustin, it is the official invitation to the performance you had been told about back during the winter concert. It is a weekend thing, you will be performing on the Saturday. You call Eddie the minute you can and express your excitement.

"We're allowed to have one person join us. I want you to be it," you tell him.

"Wait, not your mom?" Eddie asked.

"No, I want you there."

"I'll be there, if you're sure it won't upset her."

"It won't."

"I'm proud of you princess."

"Thanks Eddie."

You mom wasn't super thrilled with the idea of Eddie being the one going with you but seeing how happy you were she wasn't going to stop it. You have a few weeks before the performance and want to spend all free time perfecting your playing.

Between practicing for the performance, and playing in the school band you and Eddie didn't get to see each other much during the week. But you made sure to spend time together on the weekends. Eddie would come watch you practice at your house or you guys would go to his and just hang out.

"Wait, whose Vecna?" you ask Eddie.

Your head is in his lap as he tells you of the campaign details, you won't be making any sessions the rest of the year and begged him to tell you what he has planned. He was telling you about the overall boss that the party is going to be facing.

"A nasty son of a bitch," Eddie replies.

"Good luck."

"Oh they will need luck, not me."

"Well I wish them all the luck then, though I can't tell them personally since I can't let them know they probably don't stand a chance."

"Yeah, don't spoil my fun by telling them."

You help him with a few more details to the campaign before you leave. You loved seeing how happy he got when it came to telling you about d&d. He couldn't talk about the details of a campaign to any of the boys so he got very excited whenever he told you.

It is now a few weeks later, you were with the other school finalists. Nervous and pacing as you await your turn. There was still two people ahead of you, you took a peek out in the audience room and see the empty chair reserved for Eddie. He was supposed to have been here by now. A name was called, you flex your hands trying to keep calm. The next name is called a few minutes later. You would be next.

Nervous and upset now because Eddie was not here. He promised he would be here, he said nothing was going to stop him from watching you play.

"Y/n Henderson?" A man called

"That's me," you reply.

"Follow me please."

You do as he asks, you answer the questions asked of your name and what you will be playing. Then you sit down, your hands glide across the keys and you try to forget that Eddie wasn't here.

When you're done, you bow and thank them for their time before heading back to where the others have gone once they performed.

"Y/n!" A familiar voice calls.

You keep walking, hear your name cakes again and then a hand is on your arm.

"I can explain," Eddie said.

"I don't want to hear it Eddie, you knew how important this was to me. You promised you would be here," you replied.

"I know. I'm sorry, and I screwed up."

"Yeah you did."

You take your arm from him and start to walk away, you're pissed. You had already begun to guess what kept him from getting here. D&D.

"I hope it was worth it," you shout back.

You then enter the room that he cannot, you sit down and wait for one of the people in charge to come for you all to say what comes next. After an hour and all the finalists are done, you are all dismissed and free to return to your homes.

When you leave Eddie is sitting against the wall, you keep walking and he quickly stands.

"Please, let me explain" Eddie said.

"Fine. Five minutes," you replied.

"Yes it was d&d, the game went long, I missed my alarm, then my van wouldn't start so I had to borrow Wayne's car and then the traffic was terrible and I got here half way through your performance and you played so beautifully" he said.

Some of those things were unavoidable, but he should have kept an eye on the time last night and made sure the game didn't run long. Also you plan to speak with Dustin when you get home since he would have been there and could have reminded Eddie.

"I want to make it up you princess, please let me do that. How can I make it up to you?"

"Get a Time Machine, go back to yesterday and call off the stupid game."

You asked for one thing, for Eddie to be here today with you. You didn't ask him to cancel Hellfire last night because you trusted he would make it here on time.

"I asked you for one thing Eddie," you said.

"I know, I'll make it up to you" Eddie replied. "Can I still give you a ride home?"

You had taken the bus here, your car wouldn't have made it and it wasn't a big deal because you could ride home with Eddie after. But right now you didn't know if you wanted to be in the same place as him. It would take less time to get home if you did go but you were just too mad right now.

"I'll think about it."

"I'll be here."

You leave Eddie standing there and make your way to go and just think, you were pissed and unsure of what to do. Do you forgive him? Do you just take the ride and be silent the whole way? Should he be forgiven now or make him sweat it out? You were also wondering how things had actually gone during your performance. You wouldn't know the results for a few weeks. College acceptances are due to be sent in a few weeks time, you would know then if you got into your dream school or any school even. After about two hours of just wandering you head back to where you left Eddie, he was there and held flowers in his hands now.

"I'll ride with you, I would rather not spend the night on a bus" you tell him.

You take the flowers from him, he nods his head and then you walk together to Wayne's car. He, being a gentleman like always opened the passenger side for you, you got in and for the first hour there was silence. You reached for the radio and turned it until you found something good to play. You didn't speak a word to Eddie the whole time. When you arrive back home and start to get out he grabs your hand.

"I know I have said it a lot already but I am sorry y/n, I'll make it up to you I promise" Eddie said.

"Goodnight Eddie," you said.

"Goodnight, I love you."

"Love you too."

You get out of the car and go to the house, close the door behind you and lean against it. He hurt you and you didn't want to forgive him yet. You had made up your mind on the drive home that you would forgive him, just not yet because this was something really important to you and he promised he would be there. And at least he wants to make it up to you, he isn't just shrugging it off like it's no big deal. So that meant something right? You would figure out tomorrow what you want him to do to make it up.

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