Chapter 8

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"I need you," Steve's hand grabbed my arm and pulled down the hall.

"Morning to you too Steve," you say.

"Morning, sorry. I just, would you read something and tell me how good it is?"

"Yeah sure, I'm assuming you mean now?"

He nods and stops walking when you both reach his locker. He opens it, you lean against the lockers beside it and wait. He closes it again and hands you paper. It looks to be an essay of some kind when you glance over it.

"I am on the brink of failing history, could you help me maybe just pass the class?"

"Of course, when is this due?"


"What are you doing after school?"

"Practice then nothing."

"I'll read this over while you practice, make notes and changes then we can go over it after you're done?"

"Thank you, I would have asked Nancy but" his words fell short.

"I know and don't worry, I won't be too hard on you. But I do need to get to class, so I'll see you later."

The part ways and tuck his essay into your bag. You go about the school day and the end comes. You walk over to the middle school to let Dustin know you'll be a bit later today and to have him get a ride with Mike or Lucas. Upon arriving back at your school gym you plant yourself in the bleachers and begin to read over Steve's essay. It wasn't terrible but it wasn't the greatest writing of all time. You pulled out a pencil and began to make notes. You looked up when there was movement nearby.

"How bad is it?" Steve asked as he sat down next to you.

"Not too bad," you reply.

You show him the paper and go over what you marked. Then you invite him to come to your house this evening to work on making the changes if he would like which he agrees to. You both walk out of the gym and towards the parking lot. Heading to your own cars before leaving, when you arrive back home Dustin was helping your mom bring in groceries.

"Now you show up," Dustin joked "all the hard work is done now."

"Sorry Dusty I was helping Steve after school, mom is it okay if Steve joins us for dinner? I said I would finish helping him with some homework tonight" you say.

"Of course dear, Steve is always welcome" your mom replies closing the door once everyone was inside.

Steve arrived about twenty minutes later, you were helping your mom make dinner and then the four of you sat at the table to enjoy it before going off to work on homework. You sat on your bed with legs crossed while Steve sat on the edge. He was rewriting the essay with the changes you had pointed out to him and you helped him add a bit more to it. You guys then spent another hour or two just working on homework before he left.

About a week went by and Steve had been at your house frequently to study together, even though he is a senior you were able to help in some ways and oddly enough there were bits of homework of your own that he helped on. It was now Friday afternoon and you were feeling nervous, you were finally going to your first Hellfire Club D&D game.

"Relax, everything will be fine" Eddie said as you followed him to the room.

"I am literally walking into a lion's den, as a sheep. A newbie player, a female at that. How can I relax Eddie?" you reply.

"You can sit nearest me and if you start to get overwhelmed, tap me with your foot or something and we'll take a pause."

"I don't want the boys to hate me for stopping the game."

My Hope and Light (Eddie Munson X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now