Chapter 4

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A few days go by and you're waiting outside the arcade for Dustin, he had been there all day with his friends and your mom sent you to pick him up to be home in time for dinner. You had already been inside to tell him he had ten more minutes to hang out before he needed to be in the car. You of course waited outside and leaned against your car, you had a book in your hands that you were keeping yourself occupied with while waiting on him. You felt the book pulled from your hands and as you began to protest you saw Josh, Tommy H, Carol and some brunette you didn't know but you guessed it was the most recent girl Josh was dating.

"Give it back," you said.

"You are such a nerd, I mean really Pride and Prejudice? Who reads this shit outside of school?" Josh asked while tossing the book to Tommy.

"People who have actual taste."

"What did you just say?"

He took a step toward you and you began to shrink, his tone and body language began to scare you. You were not one to be confrontational but over the past few days you realized you can't just let people walk all over you or just push you around. But you suddenly felt speechless.

"She said that you don't have taste," a voice came from the right of you.

Eddie was walking up to where you all were, he had some movies in his hand and you figured he was heading to the video store that was next to the arcade. You saw his van parked a few spots down from your car.

"Found yourself a guard dog have you? He won't always be around," Josh said

He put his arm around the brunette and walked off. Tommy dropped the book on the sidewalk and followed after Josh. Eddie watched them leave before making his way closer to you, you were already picking your book up when he reached you.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, fine. Thanks," you reply.

"Well he's an ass who needs to be put in his place. What are you doing out here anywhere?"

"Waiting on Dustin, he's in the arcade right now. But he should be coming out soon so we can go home."

"Ah I see, the little brother that plays D&D right?"

"Yeah that's him."

"Are you sure you're okay? I can wait with you until he comes out, in case Josh comes back."

"I'm good, thanks though. We really should stop meeting like this, you coming to my rescue all the time."

"Well you're a princess and they sometimes need saving, but I agree. We should meet in other circumstances. What are you doing tomorrow?"


"On a Sunday? Really?"

"Yes really."

"Well, why don't you take a break at some point and maybe we could catch a movie?"

"You want to go see a movie with me?"

"Yeah, I mean how else are we going to get to know each other if we don't hang out."

"Alright, sure. How about you pick me up tomorrow morning around 10am?"

"See you then," he said before walking past you to the video store and two minutes later Dustin came out.

You and Dustin head back home, you were pondering over it all. Was tomorrow a date? Surely not because you barely knew each other and really he only ever showed up when you needed help. You didn't think any more about it and had a nice dinner with your mom and Dustin before doing some studying and going to bed. You got up and ready in the morning, ate with your mom while Dustin was still asleep and you told your mom you were going out with a friend to see a movie. No sooner did you tell her that and heading out the door Eddie had pulled into the driveway and you left with.

"Morning princess," Eddie said.

"I need a nickname for you, you always call me princess" you reply as he drives.

"You don't have too, but you're like a princess so why not call you that?"

You guys arrive at the theater before long, get tickets and head inside. You buy your favorite concessions and sit down waiting for the movie to start. Eddie let you pick the movie and didn't even argue over it. You talked a little bit, you asked him some questions about D&D since you knew it was something he liked, then it turned to talking about music and you learned he is in a band with some friends, he tells you when and where they play, and after a few minutes the movie starts.

When the movie ends he takes you home and as you pull into the driveway you turn to look at him. You had a great time with him, it was nice getting to know him as more than a guy who just happens to show up when you need help.

"I had fun," you say.

"So did I, maybe we could hang out again sometime. When you aren't studying of course," he replies.

"I think we can make that happen," you smile before opening the door.

"Bye, see you at school."

"See you then."

You leave his van, head up the driveway and go inside. You spend the rest of the day studying, yes a nerdy thing to do but you did think back to the couple hours you spent hanging out with Eddie. It made you smile softly, he seemed so easy to talk to and be open with. You hoped that you would indeed hang out again. This was hopefully just the start.

And the start it was, you began to say hi in the hallways to each other and sometimes run into each other on Fridays after school when he was heading to Hellfire Club and you were going to band practice or getting ready for the basketball game.

"The next time you are between campaigns you guys should come to a game, I know sports aren't your thing but you could come to at least hear the band play. We're pretty good," you say.

You and Eddie are walking through the school on Friday afternoon. You were heading to the practice room to get ready for tonight's game and he was heading to Hellfire Club to get the night's session set up before the rest of the members came.

"I might do that sometime, and maybe the next time there's a game that the band doesn't go to you could sit in on a Hellfire session" Eddie replied.

"I just might," you reply.

Parting ways again after saying goodbye, you couldn't help but smile softly. Eddie was very much not the type to be seen at any sporting event yet he said he would potentially go to one because you asked. You hadn't admitted it to yourself yet but you were beginning to have a crush on Eddie.

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