Chapter 5

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You have been so busy with school and band that you didn't notice the time passing by. Basketball games had been changed to happen earlier in the week but band practice got moved to Fridays after school so you weren't able to go to any of the Hellfire Club meetings when Eddie invited you.

"I baked some cookies for the club, I really want to be able to come sometime but until basketball season is over I don't know if I can" you tell Eddie as you hold the container that held homemade cookies.

"You didn't have to bake us anything you know, it's not like you're really bailing on us. But thank you for them," Eddie replied.

"I know but I appreciate that you convinced the others to let me come and yet I haven't shown up at all. So I want to show my thanks, in the form of baked goods."

"I will pass it along. You know, if you want to and are free this weekend I could talk you through the rules and we could make you a character."

"I think I can find some free time, tomorrow around eleven work?"

"Works for me, I'll pick you up?"

You nod your head then part ways, the rest of the day going by slowly. Eventually it came to an end and you woke up the next day excited. You quickly did your chores and homework so that it was all done before Eddie came to pick you up. You shout a quick goodbye to your mom as you head for the door telling her you were going out with a friend. You get in Eddie's van, greet him and he smiles while greeting you back. You go back to his place, he already had his Dungeons and Dragons book on his bed with a notebook. You then spend the next three hours listening to him talk about the game and you smile at seeing how passionate he is about it. The conversation then turns to music, he puts on one of his favorite bands and you do your best to like it but it is not really your taste.

"Yeah I think I'll be sticking with my own music sorry," you tell him when the song is over.

"So I'll probably never see you at a Corroded Coffin show then?" Eddie asked.

"I didn't say that, because it's totally different in the situation. I would be going to support a friend, even if I hate whatever it is I am watching or listening to, I would still go and be there to support them."


"So, do you think I am ready to officially join a Hellfire Session after basketball season?"

"I think you can handle it, but if you are curious about anything between now and then. Well, you now know where I live."

"That I do, thanks again for doing all of this. I know that girls are not usually into D&D and are sort of excluded from playing probably."

"You will surely be the first one in Hellfire, I can tell you that."

"Well someone has to be."

You talk for about another hour before he brings you home, after entering the house you see Dustin on the couch doing what might be homework. You head into the kitchen for a snack and notice flowers in a vase on the counter.

"Does mom have a secret admirer?" you ask your brother.

"They're for you actually," Dustin replies.

You smell them, it was only like four flowers but they smelled nice and you were curious as to who brought you flowers so you looked for a note.

"They're apology flowers from Steve."

You stop looking, step away from the counter and walk over to the couch. You look at Dustin who is still working on his science homework.

"Steve came here with flowers for me?"

"He came to watch Star Wars with me but yes he brought you flowers saying something about he said things that upset you and wanted to apologize for it. I questioned him of course but he wouldn't tell me."

"Oh well I'll thank him I guess on Monday," you sit next to him.

"I'll kick his ass if he hurts you, I told him as much too."

"Well thank you Dusty, but I don't think that is necessary."

You pick up the tv remote to see if there was anything good on, you flip through the channels while Dustin continues his homework.

"Got a new boyfriend I should know about?" Dustin asked after about ten minutes.

"No, why do you ask?" you reply.

"Cause I can smell his cologne on you, clearly you weren't with any of your girl friends today."

You smell your shirt and sure enough you smell a bit like Eddie, probably from being in his room for hours and being on his bed.

"I was actually learning how to play D&D if you really want to know, Eddie Munson is the leader of the D&D club at the high school and he invited me to join some time."

"Wait a minute, I have asked you for a few years now and you always say no but a total stranger asks and you say yes?"

"Well he's more my age for one thing, and doesn't annoy me like your friends."

"You've got a crush don't you? I thought you may have had a thing for Steve but now I don't know."

"I do not, on either of them. Eddie is just a friend and Steve is well, I don't even know anymore. I guess maybe a friend. I'll see after Monday, but you can just keep your nose out of it."

You get up from the couch, fluff Dustin's hair and head off to your room to get in a bit of studying before dinner. Monday came faster than you thought it would, but here you were in the hallway nervous because you felt like you needed to talk to Steve again but at the same time you didn't want to. Of course you couldn't avoid him forever because there is a basketball game tonight and he is on the team, you the band who will be playing. Morning passed and it was now lunch, you saw Steve in the hallway and took a deep breath. Might as well get it over with now because if you end up getting upset over whatever he is going to say you can always hide until lunch is over.

"Steve," you say as you approach.

"Y/n, I uh wanted to talk to you this weekend but you weren't home" Steve said.

"Yeah I was busy, sorry. I did get the flowers, you didn't have to do that you know. It was sweet but really not necessary."

You guys walk together out to his car, sitting up on the hood of it so that you could talk without hopefully anyone overhearing anything. You waited a minute, giving him time to start the conversation.

"I didn't mean to hurt you or make you upset by what I said. I did enjoy the time I spent with you and it wasn't a mistake, I just felt like I took advantage of you and I was feeling guilty because we barely knew each other and I pretty much moved way too fast. There is also the guilt of sleeping with my friend's sister. Yes, it's weird that I am so close to a middle schooler but I don't exactly have anyone else, I mean there is Nancy and sort of Jonathan but it's a weird situation" Steve said while looking at you.

"You didn't take advantage of me, and I'm glad that Dustin has you. He barely remembers my dad, we lost him when Dustin was still very young. As for having no friends, I'd like to change that. I enjoyed the times we talked and hung out that day. I think, if we can just put this behind us, we could be friends" you say looking at him.

"I'd like that, to move past this and leave it behind us and gain you as a friend. Because I would hate for things to be awkward between us."

"So from today on, we move forward and the past is just that. We don't think of it again, agreed?"

"Agreed," he shakes your hand.

You both eat lunch on the hood of his car and talk, getting to know each other a bit better. When lunch period was over and you guys were back in the halls he walked you to your class before going to his own as you were still mid conversation about something he was confused about with Star Wars.

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