1. Mark My Memories

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Buckle up!  Smut starts now


The gentle way his fingertips ran up my spine, feather light touches on my skin. Pressing his palms more firmly as he moves them over my back, causing my tits to press into his chest. My legs parted with my knees, next to his hips, straddling him on the couch. Our lips pressed to one another alternating quick kisses and long exploring ones resembling morse code on our mouths. Our breathing was heavy and throaty grunts escaped his lips as my pussy clenches his cock. His shaft slides along my inner walls filling me, connecting us together. I am whole. The pleasure is so exquisite and intense I throw my head back to let out a loud moan and get some much needed air. The sounds of ecstasy escaping my mouth had him clamping his hands on the top of my shoulders pulling me down sheathing his cock even deeper inside me. I straightened my arms that were on the back of the couch to help me balance and change the angle, causing his shaft and the base of his cock to come in contact with my throbbing clit. The feeling so intense I let out a scream and draw out the feeling of electricity washing over me drawing into my center.

Reveling in the full feeling with him inside me, our movement slows, neither of us ready for this to end. Our desire is our connectedness as we catch our collective breath. I wrap my arms around his neck, holding him close to me needing to feel his skin against mine. My skin tingles where his hands trail slowly from the top of my shoulders down my curves to rest on my hips, pressing his fingers into my flesh.

Greedy for his attention I lace my fingers together behind his head and arch my back. He knows what I need and he takes full advantage of my breasts in his face. He lowers his head, the hot air leaving his lips causing a ripple of goosebumps to form in its wake. I can help but watch the sight in front of me as he finally pulls my hardened nipple into his mouth. He licks and sucks on it as the fingers of his other hand trace delicate patterns on the other. The sensations cause me to gasp and whimper. I let out a breathless "More."

With my encouragement he begins to bite and twirl, making my tight buds even harder. I can feel all the pleasure in my body pulling to my core. "So close" I huff. With his mouth full his hands return to my hips taking control of the rhythm as I bounce on top of him. He pulls me against him, making me feel every inch of his length. I am panting, my muscles constricting, my mind unable to focus on any one sensation as my nerve endings felt like they were bruning.

"Baby?" He asks, making the one word a question in his tone, and replacing his mouth with his hand on my breast.

"Mmhmm?" Is all I can respond with as my focus is on the sensations penetrating my body.

"Baby?" He moans against my skin.

I am lost in him. Drowned in him completely between the feeling of him inside me and the attention his hands are giving my nipples.

"Close" I huff out, "Need more" is all I can muster as I squeeze my eyes shut and throw my head back trying to get air into my lungs and concentrate on the full body workout.

Even with my eyes closed my brain registers the smile in his voice when he responds with, "Yes, ma'am"

The skin on my left breast grows cold immediately, I feel his hand slide from it down to where our bodies are joined. With all the coiled tension inside me I still felt surprised when his fingers find my clit and he begins to circle the bundle of nerves.

"Ahya...yes...yes...so good" is all I can pant with my head still towards the ceiling, focusing on the feeling of his hands and fingers playing my body like an instrument. I hear him let out a growl and look into his eyes. What I see in them, coupled with the feral sound that leaves his lips, has me pushed over the edge. I cry out at the release of pressure inside my body and I watch the lights dance behind my eyelids like shockwaves convulse through me.

He doesn't stop his motions, he lets me ride out the pleasure he built within me. I lose all structure as the euphoria courses through my body like aftershocks. My body slumps on top of him but he stays steady drawing himself in and out of me with his hands on my hips extending my release. My breathing begins to even out as I come back down from the stars. I rest my forehead on his and meet his eyes. We stare into each other's souls. I try to express to him all the words I cannot say.

I know he knows.

We are more than connected physically, this is one of the many ways we communicate our love to each other. We have spoken this language for seven years and it never gets old.

As the pounding of our hearts subsides, our mouths begin to move faster against one another. Another way we express our love without words. He wraps his arms around me and strokes my now sweat-damp hair behind my back. The kissing and petting continues as he is still sheathed inside me. My body has fully relaxed. I let out a yelp as he quickly flips us so I'm lying on my back across the couch and he is on top of me.

"My turn" he says against my lips with a smile.

I giggle against him and say in a teasing tone, "Not if I get there first" as I push my hips up towards him.

His eyes narrow at me and a smirk appears on his face, "Baby, if you come again, it's still a win. It only boosts my ego the way you come undone for me. It's my favorite thing to watch." He tells me as he peppers my neck and jaw with kisses.

I smile as I stare up to the ceiling allowing my fingers to massage the muscles of his back as I work my hands up to his neck. I wrap my legs around his waist and lock my ankles behind him pulling my lower half up to him allowing more movement as he thrusts within me. Trying to pump him into me, scratching that delicious itch that I can feel building between my legs again. The way I'm hanging onto him, feeling so needy with my body below him like he is water and I have been in the desert for days. I move and thrust my body and I hear him grunt as his hips push fully into me. I feel so primal and animalistic and the position I'm in makes me feel like a sex koala...

Where did that come from?

I grin at my internal monologue. Laughing to myself.


"What?" I say snapping back to meet his eyes as he stares into mine.

"What are you laughing at?". He asks still thrusting into me but his brows knit together in concern.

"Oh just how you turned me into a sex koala, and my vagina is holding onto you for dear life." I say grinning at him.

He lets out a chuckle "So let me get this straight, you're the koala and I'm what, the branch you're hanging on?"


Our eyes meet again and our bodies don't stop their movement, colliding together and for just a moment there is no sound in the room but our bodies crashing together.

Then he lets out a loud bark of laughter with a smile that reaches his eyes as he shakes his head at me. I've always been silly, and I can't just turn it off during sexy times, he is used to this by now.

However, the way his laughter radiates throughout his body has always been one of the hottest things to me and feeling that course through him turns me on even more and focuses my attention back to the original target I was seeking. I increase my pumping under him.

He feels the change in intensity too, I watch as his eyes alter from amusement to desire. I love that I do that to him, make him turn on a dime. It's so fucking hot I can feel the pull at my center again. He is familiar with my body giving me what I need but it's never routine, or uncomfortable with him. We have been through so much together, I feel so many things, but at this moment I just feel the need of the impending release.

He's close too. I feel him quicken his movements as my pussy desperately clenches around his cock. He drops to his forearms, still supporting his weight but lowering so his lips can find mine.

And that does it. Our connection, in our minds, our lips, our bodies, it sends me over the edge again. I hear him groan as my walls tighten around him. He cries out my name on an exhale as he releases inside me and I smile against his lips. Happy for this moment we share. For how loved I feel. How this is my safe place, as I lay boneless, post orgasm, not wanting to move out from under him. I want to stay like this forever.

I didn't know then that would be the last time we would make love to each other. 

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