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I feel a light caress on my back. I blink my eyes open. My face is half buried in my arm but my eyes meet piercing green ones through my tangle of hair.

"There she is" I hear the deep voice beside me.

Harry is laying on his side, head propped in one hand while the other dances along my exposed skin sending shivers across my body.

"It's early" I whine.

I hear his laughter at my morning crankiness. "It's not early. It's nearly noon"

My eyes open looking around.

How can it be noon? I've never sleep this much.

I can feel Harry lean closer to me as he places kisses on my temple and his hand is now rubbing firm circles on my ass.

"I'm only waking you to give you what you want."

"You are relentless" I chuckle as I snake my hand out to press against his hard cock, "after we do this I want to go back to sleep".

He grunts when I make contact and I can hear his breath catch at my caresses, "While I always want that, you were wanting to get out and explore so I have something planned for us."

I stop my menstrations and look at his face.

"You do? I ask skeptically.

"I do, but we need to get ready to go."


"Well, you have been saying for several days now that you wanted to go do some stuff and see more of Italy and I know you wanted to spend a bit of time at the beach-"

"Really?" I cut him off, "We are going to the beach?" I'm so excited it's the one part of the coast I haven't gotten a chance to visit yet.

"Really. But we need to get changed and head down there soon, or I'm afraid I will take you up on your offer."

With that I throw the covers and jump out of bed to get ready. Before I clear the bed he sits up and grabs my wrists to pull me toward him. I'm so stunned I yelp and barely catch myself as I feel the firmness of his chest beneath my fingers. We are eye to eye and I swear he can see into my soul. He presses his lips to mine and at the minty taste I realize he has brushed his teeth and I haven't. I try to keep my mouth closed but his wandering tongue and this hand on the back of my neck had me locked in place, and there is just something so familiar and comforting about all of this. I kiss him more deeply and before things get too heated he pulls away. "Angel don't test my self-control, around you I have none". He pecks my lips as if to seal them.

I head towards my room to change into my suit and pack a bag for the day. I grab a towel and a few other things. I can tell he is already downstairs by the smell coming from the kitchen.

"Oh and breakfast too?" I say entering the kitchen.

"I had some time while you were asleep. Dare I say I missed you?"

We stay comfortably silent over coffee and breakfast.

"Let's go," Harry says, grabbing my hand. "The car is here."

"A car? Why do we need a car? Aren't we just walking to the beach?" I ask confused.

Harry is bounding out the door dragging me behind him, he has a cooler under his arm along with his towel.

"You wanted an adventure!"

Once we make it out the gate there is a car waiting for us, Harry opens the door for me and I slide in and scoot over greeting the driver.

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