7 Friday

101 1 1

AN:  Is the text better written like that or would you like it simpler???


The next morning I'm woken up by a persistent knock on my door. I sit up still sore and a bit confused. I look at the clock on the bedside table and feel a bit surprised when I see it says 1:30. I rub my eyes with my palms and swing my feet off the bed and make my way to the door.

"Yeah?" I say to the closed door.

"Breakfast delivery" I hear the disembodied voice.

"You have the wrong room, I haven't ordered anything"

"Is this Ava Albright room 306?"


"This is for you, it says its from Ted"


I unlock the door and open it just enough to see a young man standing there with a large sack. He sticks through the opening and hands me a to-go cup with the other.

"Oh wow thank you, just a second let me get you a tip."

"I was told to tell you it was taken care of"

With that he turns on his heel and is gone.

I kick the door shut and put down the bag and inhale the scent of the coffee. I open the bag to find an assortment of pastries, some containers with cut fruit, and a large container of pasta.

He can't seriously think pasta is a breakfast food.

I grab my phone from where it's plugged in to text him thank you and I see two unread messages.

Harry Burns/Ted Kaczynski stand in:

Morning Angel I wanted to see how

you were feeling? And

remind you to take 3 Tylenol and

drink lots of water

Harry Burns/Ted Kaczynski stand in:

I'm having breakfast and lunch

Delivered so you don't have to

Go out.


And here I was thinking

breakfast and lunch just magically

showed up at my door.

It was delightful but

you didn't have to do that.

Harry Burns/Ted Kaczynski stand in:

It wasn't a truly unselfish act.

I had ulterior motives. You weren't

answering my texts.


Your taking this emergency contact

thing very seriously. I'm ok. I was

actually still asleep

Harry Burns/Ted Kaczynski stand in:

How are your injuries?


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