16. Saturday

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At some point in the morning we did both manage to leave the bedroom. Deciding to find something more substantial to eat and maybe just needing to spend a bit of time standing upright.

He stood in the kitchen in boxers whisking pancake mix while I was in his shirt cracking eggs into a bowl. We chatted as we moved around the kitchen effortlessly around each other.

I get out plates and things we will need. I pour him a cup of coffee and hand it to him.

"So coffee over tea for you then? Not very British of you."

"I do normally drink tea in a given day, but I'd say it's more of your fault and not really anything to do with my Britishness"

"Oh I would love to hear how this is my fault." I say taking some of the dirty dishes to the sink and adding soap to them.

I feel his arms wrap around my waist just before I feel him fully pressed into my backside.

"It's all your fault because I don't do anything I normally do around you."

I spin around to face him, "You mean stay in bed all day?"

He moves his hands to my cheeks holding my gaze. "I mean nothing with you is normal for me."

I squint my eyes at him, processing if that was a compliment.

"No, I mean like, calling into work. I never miss work its my whole life."

"Well that's not health-"

"I know but it's more than that. I'm more open with you then anyone."

His eyes dart away then and for a moment feel like he's hiding something but he continues, "I'm relaxed, carefree. You do that to me." He holds my gaze, "You make it easy".

I'm at a loss of what to say. "Don't you think it's just Italy that makes it easy?" I say gesturing around us.

Harry turns to face me stopping what he was doing on the stove. "It's more then Italy, Ava. I don't know how to explain it. I wish you understood the -"

"You're burning the pancakes!"

He quickly turns his attention to the food. Where the smoke is coming from. He is busy trying to save the pancakes so we stay quiet as we finish cooking.

Over coffee, eggs, pancakes, and grilled potatoes we talk about our favorite books.

Looking at his naked torso. "You have a lot of maritime tattoos. That seems very British."

I had turned on the radio when we were cooking to have some background noise. A song started and Harry jumped out of his seat and abruptly turned off the radio while silently staring at me.

"I uh, just wanted to do something else."

With wide eyes I respond, "I've never seen anyone so excited to clean up dishes before!"

He just awkwardly laughs. I was gathering up items to be washed and Harry was returning the ingredients to their proper place. I run water in the sink when Harry reaches out and grabs the detached sprayer pressing and holding it causing the water to stop flowing from the faucet and jet sprayed directly at me.

I scream not because it hurts but because I am started by the cold water. I flip the faucet handle off and turn heaving breaths looking at Harry and his devilish grin. He stops laughing and a gasp escapes him when I turn with my now soaked front. His white t-shirt is now stuck to me and impossible to hide that I'm not wearing anything under it.

I'm visibly breathing heaving from the shock, causing my breasts and hard nipples to move and Harry's eyes are focused intently on me and he appears to have stopped breathing.

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