6 Thursday

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The next day starts off the same as the day before. As I make my way to the cafe, I can't help but think about Ted and how charming he was. I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was but there was just something about him that made me smile. I just kept seeing his dimpled face, his deep eyes, thinking about how easy it was to talk to him. I was regretting not getting any contact info on him for the fortieth time, as I was walking up to the cafe. Passing through the outside tables I see they are all taken. So I may just have to stand inside and enjoy my espresso. I pass one table with a patron reading a book, I hear that now familiar accent.

"There is an extra seat here I'm not using if you would like, Tammy."

I can't do anything to stop the smile at the familiar words I spoke to him yesterday. He removes the book from his face and grins at me.

"Fancy meeting you here".

Taking in his appearance, he is in the same knit cap from the day before but a different sweatshirt with the hood up and shorts. I think this is the look he is going for, fashion be damned.

"Well that is most interesting. However, I don't believe we have officially met." He stands from his chair and sticks his hand out for me to shake, "I'm Harry. Harry...Burns but my friends call me Ted." He winks

"Ha! I knew it." I say placing my hand in his. It sparks like the day before. It feels so warm, my whole body shivers, cold in comparison. I am left drowning in the green pools of his eyes again. I feel like there is so much depth to them, I see the colors in waves like the ocean and the shining like the stars, greens you don't see in nature. I'm lost. I don't speak, and we don't let go of joined hands. No longer shaking, just holding. I register his thumb rubbing gently over the knuckle of my thumb and I hear myself say just above a whisper, "Ava. Ava Albright"

"Ava" He says with a smile playing on his lips, dimples on full display "It is a pleasure to finally meet you."

I honestly don't know who broke the connection, I realize I'm still just standing there.

"Um, yeah" Is all I can say.

I shake my head.

I need caffeine badly, my brain is feeling foggy.

I blink a few times trying to clearly remember what I was doing in the first place.

"I need coffee" is all I manage to say as a gesture inside. He just nods and sits back in his seat, as I head inside.

I return a few minutes later and set down a plate with two pastries on it before turning and going back inside. The next time I emerge it is with two espressos one in each hand. I slowly walk to where Harry sits with his back to me. As I set one down in front of him he looks questioningly.

I sit across from him, "Well you bought dessert last night so I figured I would buy breakfast." At that I take a delightful sip of the liquid gold.

"Mmmmm" Is all I can manage with my eyes closed so I can focus on waking up my other senses. I drink some more, feeling the caffeine begin to activate my synapsis. When I open my eyes Harry is just staring at me, mouth open. I suddenly feel like I've done something wrong.

"If you don't want it, it's fine. I can drink it." I rush out, trying to figure out what I did that caused this reaction.

Does he not like his drink?

"As tempting as that is, Ava" He says as if he is out of breath, "The next round is on me." He says never taking his eyes off me as he brings his drink to his mouth.

"I didn't know what you would want to eat and they both looked good." I say pushing the plate of pastries towards him.

He uses his thumb and forefinger to pick up a croissant holding it out towards me. Before I can ask what he's doing, he says,

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