10. Sunday Part 2

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Something is poking into my side and is hurting so I attempt to shift and quickly find I'm in the most comfortable position as any movement only hurts worse. Absently, I attempt to reach for my phone but I quickly realized I'm not in my bed.

It's then that I realize my arms are wrapped around someone.

I blink my eyes quickly and see the familiar boy with his arms around me and I have an arm and a leg around him.




Why is my leg over him?

I try to remove it slowly without sudden movement. He's got his arms around me so I'll deal with that. I just want my leg back and hopefully he didn't notice once I'm in a normal position. I try to gradually move my torso away from him but his arms only tighten around me. I stop moving and try to think of my next steps. I can feel his steady breathing across my ear. Again, I try to pull back but his grip tightens. I let out a long huff and try to keep my wits about me as I work on a new plan.

I don't have to come up with anything because I feel his breathing switch to uneven breaths. I shift my gaze to look in his eyes and I watch as they blink open. Green glass stares at me and a smile forms on his face. "Hey" he says sleepily.

With that I pull fully away.

"We fell asleep" I say sitting up in a rush.

"Seems that way" he agrees, sitting up and stretching his arms and legs.

"I can't believe I fell asleep. I didn't think I was tired."

"Italy is made for napping"

"I'd say that wine and cheese is made for napping but it's really a chicken and egg situation."

Harry sits up and pulls out a reusable water bottle from the basket. "Here, drink. You lost a lot in tears."

"Yeah, about that...sorry"

"You don't have to apologize for crying"

"Well I'm at least sorry I cried on you"

"It's not a big deal"

Desperately wanting to change the subject I say the first thing that comes through my mind.

"It is so beautiful I wish I had brought my sketchbooks."

I say surveying the land around us lit by the afternoon sun.

Harry reaches into the basket and pulls out a sketchbook similar to mine, only smaller, and a long slender dark green tin. I was so excited I just grinned from ear to ear.

"How did you..."

But he cut me off before I could finish.

"I've only watched you sketch everyday. I wanted to make sure you didn't miss out."

"This is perfect. Thank you" I say, already opening the book and combing through the pencils.

I'm quickly lost in sketching the orchard. It is so beautiful, the trees aren't terribly tall but their trunks are thick and spindly and ruff with age. Contrasted by the slender delicate looking leaves that cover the branches. The way the sunlight is filtered through the branches, seeming to dance on the ground around me. I feel completely at peace in this moment. I add a drawing of a leaf section up close to get the detail. While I continue to outline and shade the images on the page, the feeling of peace is completely settled over me.

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