15. Friday

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My eyes open slowly because of the brightness of the room. I blink a few times trying to focus. I can feel the warmth from skin on my cheek. I smile content as it is the first time since my husband I'm waking up being held by someone. It's a feeling I now recognize as precious.

"Harry" I whisper in my exhaled breath, as a smile plays on my lips.

I feel and hear the low rumble voice say, "Good morning Angel, how did you sleep?"

I tilt my head to meet his sparkling eyes.

I think I like being called Angel.

"MMMM a lot like you last night...pretty hard" I let out a mischievous grin.

"I love your filthy mouth" He says in laughter.

"Yes you made that very clear last night" I giggled and buried my face in his arms trying to block the light.

"Are you going back to sleep?" He asks stroking my hair.

"What time is it?"

"Just after 11."

Last night was incredible. We both racked up a couple more orgasms throughout the night between us kissing and holding each other and laughing together. Being tangled in the sheets with Harry giving each other orgasms and taking our time. I was more open with him than anyone.

Well almost anyone.

We finally went to sleep sometime after seven so neither of us could have gotten much sleep. Then something occurs to me and I shoot up.

"You're not supposed to be here, you should have been at work!"

I feel terrible, we shouldn't have been up all night. I don't want him to get into trouble. He isn't frantic at all; he just puts his hands on my shoulders and softly kisses my forehead.

"It's okay. I called in."

My eyebrows shoot up. "You did?" I ask, not able to prevent the smile that crosses my face. "Did you give a couple of fake coughs and tell them you have the black lung?" I tease.

I feel him laugh beneath me, "Well no, I just texted and said I couldn't make it in today. They can get by without me for one day. I have more important things to take care of."

I can't help but the shiver that runs the length of my spine at his seductive words said in his gravelly morning voice.

"Oh really?" I lean in so our faces are close, his hands rub my shoulders.

"Yeah," he pulls himself up and kisses me on the lips, sliding his tongue into my mouth. I lean over him more so my breasts graze his skin.

"I think I know what you like in bed, but I really feel like today would be best spent practicing."

"Practicing?!" I let out a laugh. "You call what we did last night practice?"

"Well, I don't know, last night was like exploring, and we did have a dry run."

He smiles wide, showing his dimples.

He's cute but I still smack him in the bicep for that. "Hey!"

"It's not a bad thing, and we did some role playing. I'd be happy to do more of that today. I just wanted to be sure to clear my schedule so we weren't rushed. There is no pressure, and no expectations, just you and me."

I narrow my eyes at him and hover my lips just above his, "Well it just so happens that you are very good at giving me what I need and I quite enjoyed myself, but if you think we have to spend all day in bed then I guess that's what we will have to do."

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