13. Wednesday

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A/N: Hope you are enjoying this story.  It brings me such joy to have you read it.  I know I really hate being told what to do so all I will say is DO NOT RATE AND REVIEW THIS STORY.  Also definitely don't vote for it.  

I felt restless and out of sorts when I went to bed so

when I woke up I knew I needed more order in my life. I needed to do laundry so I gathered my dirty clothes and started a load. I figured Harry would be gone this morning. We didn't talk about plans for today but I knew work was hectic so when I made my way downstairs, I was surprised to see him sitting on the sofa working on his computer.

"Hey, I didn't think you would still be here".

"My schedule changed, I don't have to be in early. Just a couple meetings this afternoon. Would you like to go to the cafe?"

"I would love that, I'll grab my bag." I head upstairs to get my things. I meet him and we head out the door.

"Do you mind walking?" He asked.

"I prefer it."

"Me too."

With that we make our way down the steps in the front of the villa and wander the streets of Amalfi to the cafe where we first met. It's a bit farther from where Harry's Airbnb is compared to the inn. As we make our way into the tiny shop it's the same sweet woman behind the counter. She greets us with a smile and we both place an order. She rings us up. I take Harry's card from his hand while giving the woman the card from my other hand. At his protests, I give the card back to him and remind him it's on me.

He just smiles showing his teeth and shaking his head. We find a table out front just like the previous times. I'm looking through my books and Harry is on his phone. We sit in silence, it's not awkward or uncomfortable. It feels natural. I don't think anything of it until he asks me what I'm up to for the rest of the day. I tell him I want to go see how Sofia is doing but I don't have anything specific planned.

"I need to head to work soon but I have some tickets to a show this afternoon. It's a play at a local theater. If you want to join me."

"Sounds fun. I probably won't be able to understand any of it."

"It's actually in English, it was written by a British duo."

"Is it a comedy?"

"It should be very funny."

"What time is that?"

"It starts at 7. I could pick you up at the house about 6:30. We can eat after."

"That works for me."

With that Harry checks the time and and stands up to clean up the table. "I better get going. I have a meeting I don't want to be late for. Oh and just a heads up. The cleaners are coming by today to restock and tidy up. Are you going to hang around here for a bit or head out?"

"I'll get going soon also but you go ahead."

He bends down and kisses my cheek and then he backs up and our eyes meet.

He catches himself and says. "See you at the house at 6:30"

I couldn't form words, I just stare at him.

He takes a few steps back before waving and quickly walking away.

That felt odd. Like very familiar and like a thing couples do. Italy was a very affectionate country but Harry and I hadn't really been, and after the weirdness of last night I was rattled. I sat quietly for two minutes. Then I remembered the painting that I loved that I bought and needed to ship. I gathered my stuff and made my way to the store where I purchased it on Saturday. I figured I needed to get it in the mail before I went to Sofia's. It was about a three mile walk to the store I bought it from. When I walked in, the owner remembered me immediately.

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