14. Thursday

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AN****** Trigger warning panic attack

But after that SMUT Starts!

I was up before dawn, after not having slept much. I had a nightmare and was restless. In my dream I had lost something and I searched everywhere there was a sense of urgency and danger. I would come across other people but they would ignore me and my cries for help. I was getting more frantic in my search. I woke up in a tangle of sheets, drenched in sweat. I layed in bed hoping I would drift off again, but it was hopeless. Eventually, I got up and quietly made my way downstairs for coffee and to watch the night colors fade as the sun made its way into the sky and bounced off the water making it shimmer. I decided to sit out on the pool deck in a lounge chair with my coffee, journaling. I had been so good at writing and also planning my days before I met Harry. It was important to me to continue so I was quite lost in my notebook.

"You're up early"

I jump out of my skin.

"Sorry didn't mean to frighten you." He laughs at me.

"It's a bit late for that!" I say between heavy breaths my heart rate elevated. I take in his relaxed attire, dark gray t-shirt, blue trucker hat, sunglasses and dark shorts. He sits on the lounge chair next to me and puts on socks and tennis shoes.

Before I can say anything he informs me, "I'm going for a run before it gets too hot."

"Ahhh" I say nodding my head, "I was thinking I would go to the beach this afternoon, I'm sure you are working but just wanted to throw that out there."

"Today would make a good beach day. If I can get away this afternoon, I'll join you. I'm feeling really good with where the schedule is but of course we could get behind at any time."

"I'll send you my location if you feel like joining. But I'm more than capable of going alone."

He finishes tying the laces of his shoes and stands. He towers over me forcing me to tilt my head back to see his eyes.

"Ava, I know perfectly well that you are happy being on your own, but I would like to join you if I can. Also, I wouldn't mind watching more fast and furious movies with you."

"Really?" My face lights up at the idea that he really liked the movies. "Shockingly good right?"

He smiles back at me knowingly "I found them very entertaining. I can see why you love them."

"I have excellent taste."

"I couldn't agree more."

I can't tell if he's mocking me but I laugh at that and wave him on, "Go on then, before it's too hot."

I returned to my journaling.

My eyes feel heavy and I can't help but yawn.

I clearly haven't had enough caffeine.

The next thing I know I'm waking up in the chair starting at two faces looking over me. I blink twice trying to recall where I am. It's so bright my eyes are barely more than a squint.

"Ciao, ospite del signor Harry"

I sit up quickly putting together that I had fallen asleep outside, but too groggy to understand what they are saying.

"Ciao" Is all I manage. I take in the two middle aged women in aprons. One is holding a duster and the other has a spray bottle and cloth in her hand.

The cleaners.

"Mi chiamo Ava, mi dispiace, non parlo italiano" I pause to see if they know English.

"Anita" the one holding the duster says, "Donna" the other says.

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