11. Monday

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We both sat there in silence watching the sun peak over the Italian hills. It was breathtaking. The sky turned such vibrant colors. Clouds dotted the sky from the storm. The light reflecting through them was so beautiful. I forgot everything else. 20 minutes went by before I spoke again.

"Incredible" was all I could say. "I wish I could sketch it"

"Take a picture," he says.

I shake my head "That's what I'm doing, well no not an actual picture but I want it in my mind, don't want to forget this."

After a little while longer when the colors of the sky have dulled Harry breaks the silence, "We should head back, it's after five".


I am dry from the heaters but the wind whips my hair and I can still feel the coolness of the rain-damped air as we drive. We pull up to my hotel in the early hours of the morning.

My heart is racing as my brain is making lists of all the things I need to get done before I leave.

There is something else nagging me.

I say out loud, "We never found the other fountain." That's not what has unsettled me but it popped into my head so I said it.

Harry turns his whole body towards me.

"What time is your flight?"

"10:30 out of Naples, which will take me an hour to get there, so I better get my stuff packed but thank you for everyth-"

"Stay" he cuts me off.

His eyes bore into mine.


"Don't leave. I don't want this to end."

"I um I can't stay, I have plans".

"Yes but you can change them, you said so yourself you are the only one in charge of your trip. I'm asking you to choose to stay."

I blink at him a few times trying to sort out my thoughts and rationalize what he is saying.

He continued with his reasons, "We still have more to explore, and I've had a wonderful time with you. It doesn't have to end."

"I uh, I don't know. I mean, I've had a great time also, but"

"So let's continue, don't let go of this moment."

I put my hands on my head trying to calm my racing thoughts. "Let me think. I can reschedule my flight without much trouble".

I pause trying to think logically.

"This hotel, I can stay another night or two but I was planning on staying in a hostel in Spain to save on money, I can't really afford to stay here." I shake my head knowing this won't work.

"Stay with me"

As soon as the words leave his mouth, my eyes narrow at him.

"Uh, no thank you, I'm not sharing a hotel room with you."

"I'm not in a hotel."

I just make a face at him.

"The production company rented an AirBnB for us to use. It's in a huge house. You can have your own room."

I must have made a face at that. "But..."

"I'm the only one there now. The other crew members did their job and left, and the rest are local and they didn't need a place to stay. So I'm in this huge house alone."

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