8 Saturday

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When I woke up the sun was shining through the worn curtain and Law and Order was playing on the television. I laughed at that because crime solving in another language would be interesting. I finger comb my hand through my hair and hit my phone. I hope I plugged it in last night. When I tap it to see what my charge level is at I notice it's on. It's been on for almost 10 hours as the timer indicates. Talking to Harry on the phone suddenly hits me and my mouth falls open. I hold the phone to my ear and listen, but I can't hear anything.

"Hello?" I whisper. "Harry?" I still don't hear anything. I hit the disconnect button and threw my phone as if it was hot.

What the hell was that? Did I actually fall asleep with him on the phone? Why was it still connected? What time is i-

The phone begins ringing in the otherwise quiet room. 'Harry Burns/Ted Kaczynski stand in' scrolls across my screen.

Oh my god! What is happening?

"Hellllllo?" I ask stretching out the word. Hiding the fact that I felt like I was just caught doing something I shouldn't.

"You're awake I take it?"

"I am"

"Sleep well?"

"I did"

"How do you feel?"


There was a long pause. Then I began to ask the questions

"Did we stay on the phone all night?"

"We did"

"Did you ever fall asleep?"

"I did"

I didn't even know what to ask him next. I felt like I had questions but I couldn't extract a single one from my brian, they were all mixed together. I heard talking in the background but it was English not Italian. I was taken back by that. Then I heard someone say his name. A man I think. I look at the clock in the room. It reads 10:08 am. This is the second day I've slept in. Last time it was because I took so much medicine. I don't know how I slept so long last night. I heard his name again. I can hear shuffling and the background noise fades on his end.

"Are you at work?"

"I am"

"Busy day?"

"Yeah, which is good, it's moving fast. I should be able to get away for a few hours this afternoon but I have to work this evening also. I just have a few meetings. I can't move so it will be another couple of hours but if you let me know where you will be I will hopefully be able to meet up with you.

My smile gets bigger but I don't make a sound.

I hear his voice waver a bit as he says, "Unless.... you don't want to do that".

"Oh no, of course I'd love for you to join if you can. I'm moving slow this morning and I just have a few errands to run. I can hold out on the museum if you want to join me for that."

"Lovely. Just text me where you're at and I'll see about meeting up with you when I'm done here."

I can hear a woman calling his name.

"Sounds like you are very popular"

He chuckles softly "Yeah" I can hear movement in the background, "More popular than I'd like to be today. I'll try and wrap up by 3"

"I'll see you when you are done, have a good day Harry."

I say in my phone and pull it away from my ear to hang up but hear his distanant voice calling my name.

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