12. Tuesday

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I didn't set an alarm and didn't have an agenda for the day. Sometime after nine I showered and made my way downstairs in the empty house. It was so quiet I turned on a podcast to create some noise. I was thinking about coffee and trying to remember the set up in the house when I came around the corner of the kitchen and there was a note on the otherwise empty counter.

   I was thinking about coffee and trying to remember the set up in the house when I came around the corner of the kitchen and there was a note on the otherwise empty counter

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I laugh at this. It's my own fault. I lift up the bakery box lid to see half a dozen options of pastries. I pull out my phone to text him.


What no breakfast pasta

This time?

Harry Burns/Ted Kaczynski stand in:

Good morning sleeping beauty.

Lunch will be delivered at 11:30.


I'm supposed to cover food.

It is rule number 2!

Harry Burns/Ted Kaczynski stand in:


Atm I'm working but I should be

Home in time for dinner. You can

Be in charge of that if you promise

Not to try and cook.




I will have a fun food

filled day without you

Harry Burns/Ted Kaczynski stand in:

Try not to miss me too much Angel

With that I heat up the coffee and munch on some pastries. I take them outside to the patio to enjoy the scenery and plan out my day. With my travel plans being adjusted I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. I hadn't done much shopping while I was here so I figured I might check out some stores. I hadn't planned to stay anywhere for too long so I had already worn all my clothes. I might see about picking up an item or two just to change it up. I also wanted to get Harry a thank you gift. I was saving so much money not paying for this hotel. Even if it was his work paying for this place, I wanted him to know how much I appreciated it. I had no idea what to get him sense he didn't seem to be into fashion but I figured I would have a good time looking for something.

I spend some time journaling. When I feel the heat of the sun on my skin, I figured it was time to go inside. As I was closing the sliding glass door I turned and my eyes landed on the chess set from last night. My breath hitches in my throat as the memories of him playfully kissing me flood back. The intense look of his green eyes when I thought he was going to kiss me.

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