Monday & Tuesday

58 1 4

The alarm went off impossibly early and I could hear movement. We had only been asleep for two hours at most.

"Noooo" I groan and cover my head with his now available pillow. I can hear him chuckle. "You don't have to get up, so just rest and take it easy today.

"Maybe it's best you take a break from tenderizing me today."

I feel his fingers gently rubbing my exposed skin

"Are you sore?" Harry quietly asks.

I take the pillow off my head, "A bit but I enjoyed every second of it so don't worry about me. Now get ready for work, this isn't your vacation." I tease. I can hear him moving around the room and bathroom.

"Right. Well, I don't want to leave and I'll be gone all day."

I roll over to face him.

"I wish I could stay but, I uh, I got you something."

"How? When did you even have time?"

He doesn't answer and just shrugs and hands me an envelope.

I look at him puzzled and tear it open. Inside is a piece of paper with beautiful script on it. It was in English but had lots of Italian words making it difficult for me to read.

"What? What is this?" I try to focus my blurry eyes, but to no avail.

"Well as it happened I did some research of my own and found that there are in depth architecture tours given occasionally."

"No way? So when is the next one?"

I scan the page trying to decipher a date.

"Today. Its at 2pm at a church in the center of town"

"Oh wow!"

"Yeah, and it's pretty detailed and I heard it's supposed to be very cool. They have limited spots so this isn't a tourist thing. It's more for locals."

"It sounds amazing, thank you so much! It's incredibly thoughtful."

"I wish I could go with you, but maybe you will learn so much you can teach me".

With that he bends down pressing his lips on mine

"Call or text me if you need anything, I'll try and keep my phone near me but I expect today to be pretty hectic."

I wave him off with an arm.

"I'll be fine. You should go."

"Getting rid of me I see?"

"No, just the sooner you leave the sooner you can come back and we can play sexy clue."

His laugh echoes in the room "I can't wait!"

I hear him turn on the shower and I bury my head and fall back asleep.

I feel a gentle pressure on my shoulder and his warm breath on my skin, "See you soon, Angel"

"Mmmmhhhhmmmm I can't wait to hear all about your day."

I barely register the click of the door.

The room is even brighter as the sun is higher in the sky. I roll over and blink open my eyes. This being a much more acceptable time of day. I slowly rise and make my way to the bathroom and then downstairs to find coffee. I'm not even a little surprised when I find a full spread of breakfast items.

I think Harry may actually be a wizard. I make a mental note to ask him about Hogwarts. I eat and contemplate how incredible the past few days have been. I'm heading upstairs to shower and change when my phone beeps with a text.

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