Dear Mr. Bully 2

4 1 0

Written on Sunday 


At 9:48 am

A few years before writing this poem, I had written a poem with the same title. Sadly though, I lost that poem because I hadn't started journaling yet and my laptop had to be formatted. I especially miss the first narrative poem I had ever written, but I can't do anything about it now.

Dear Mr. Bully,

You are done with me


Dear Mr. Bully,

There is a part of my body,

Where you didn't hit me.

Don't you see?

Oh, I forgot you're just pretty,

In the face only.

Dear Mr. Bully,

I'm the product of your fantasy,

Broken, helpless, and ugly.

Dear Mr. Bully,

You broke me,

But now I know why you hate me.

'Cause, you're weak and I'm strong,

In your eyes that was wrong,

So I sit down and write this song.

Dear Mr. Bully,

Your fear makes you tiny,

So insignificant and unworthy.

I'm learning to move on,

To love and accept me again,

Learning to forget the pain.

Dear Mr. Bully,

I heard something funny,

That you lost your sanity.

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