They were once in love

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Written on Monday


At 09:09

He said he liked her from the start,

But he was just playing the strings of her heart.

He said he wanted to take her to his home,

And replace her surname with his own.

He said he wanted to see a mix of him and her,

Because their children were destined to be stronger.

He said he desired nothing more,

Than to have her in his life forever.

He said they'd travel the world together,

Place their prints everywhere.

Wake up to kisses at dawn,

Only he and her, the rest could drown.

She believed his whispers of sweetness,

Till they grew silent in the darkness.

He used to wrap his arms around her every night,

As if he could lose her if didn't hold on tight.

She fancied herself to be loved,

A lover that had her feeling blessed.

Sometimes she couldn't believe her luck,

How his love for her had snuck.

When she was tucked between his arm and chest,

She felt like she could conquer the world and the rest.

With someone beside her, that was so divine,

She dared call this life very fine.

Yet now it seems like it had never happened,

Their love for him had never mattered.

They don't speak to each other much less cuddle,

They don't have anything in common that once dear couple.

They go to bed silently,

With no goodnight kiss, lovely.

They take their breakfast alone,

The marriage of two has become for one.

Their neighbors wonder why they're still together,

Why they wouldn't break it off and start over?

But they worry for their children,

They worry that they will not be forgiven.

So, they bury their feelings of nothingness in one another,

And show their best smiles worthy of the Oscar.

For our kids, they say they held it so long,

Even when they knew it was wrong.

Gone was the marriage for love,

Their children are the ones putting them in a glove.

What a pity to witness them fail,

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