Thirty Six.

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Nah updating once in November is super crazy. My apologies. I can't even lie and say I have an excuse. The weeks just flew right by me.

I hope y'all enjoy the chapter though and excuse any mistakes.

Naomi's POV


Chayse crying on the baby monitor woke me up out of my sleep. I moved the cover off of me and went to his room.

"Good morning little one." I kissed him then changed him before going back to my room. I sat on the bed and started to feed him.

Jayson laid silent beside us. Something he's done for the past couple days. We made it to the finals this year but unfortunately we lost. I knew it would hurt but I hate seeing him like this.

He won't leave the bedroom, barely talks to me and he hates when I try to open the curtains. He's not eating either. He just sleeps all day.

His face was in our direction and I can see he's up but he won't look at me. He eventually turned his head in the opposite direction.

All I did was rub the back of his neck and back in a comforting manner. He didn't move my hand so I did that for a few minutes before burping Chayse.

"Can I get you anything?" I asked Jayson in a gentle tone and he shook his head. "Maybe something to eat?"

"I'm good. Thank you." He mumbled.

"I know you're upset baby but you can't punish yourself. Could you eat something? I'll be fine if it's a piece of candy at this point."

"I'm not hungry." He mumbled again.

I sighed but left it alone. It's only been two days but of course I'm worried. No one wants to see someone they love, sad.

Then our wedding is next month so I'm really praying and hoping the closer we get to our date, he gets excited, and his mood will turn around.

I also want to be super supportive right now. I mean as much as he's done for me when I have my depression episodes, it's the least I could do.

I laid on my side, facing the baby and he was sucking on his hand while extending his other hand to touch his dad. Eventually he started smacking him.

"That's not nice." I moved his hand and he started crying. I looked at him confused because what just happened. All I did was move his hand.

I picked him up and headed for the door. I'm sure this is a lot of noise right now, especially since Chayse isn't trying to quiet down.

"I know baby. I want daddy too." I said when we got back in his room and I sat in the rocking chair.

Jayson and Chayse have this connection with each other that's on another level. Now Ayse isn't bad with me, he's really great. But he definitely knows when his dad is here and he'd rather be with him.

He eventually went to sleep from his crying and I laid him back in his crib. I made sure the monitor was on before leaving and headed to the living room.

Ten minutes later the front door was being opened. "Hello, hello." Miss.Brandy came in and said.

"Hey ma."

"How's it going?" She sat down at the island while I stood.

"It's going." I shrugged.

"He still hasn't come out?" I shook my head. "Nothing to eat either?"


"It's been two days Naomi."

"I know." I sighed. "I'm worried. I've offered to make his favorites, I've brought food up to him, and nothing. Maybe you could talk to him."

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