Fifty One.

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Let's just not talk about the long hiatus. Pretend it didn't happen? Yes? Yes. You forgive me? Ah I know you do. Bring it in. Come on. Give miss author lady some love.

I really read a book in one sitting before finishing this chapter tonight. It was only 122 pages but it was pretty good, can't lie. It's called writer's block by Mea Monique in case you want to check it out on Amazon.

Enjoy and excuse any mistakes.

Naomi's POV

I hummed lowly to Journey as I ran my finger softly over her head of hair then rubbed her ear. She kept eye contact the whole time as she ate.

Our baby has hit 3 months and getting bigger by the day. The boys want to help all the time and it is so sweet how everyone is involved.

"Mama." Chayse tapped my leg.

"Yes baby?"

"I'm hungry."

"I know baba. Your food is cooking. It'll be done soon. Do you want a snack while you wait?"

He nodded and I had Lauren grab him one. Since I was struggling in the beginning, Jayson and I both agreed that bringing in our nanny would be beneficial. Not just for me and having that help, but for the kids as well.

I wasn't ready at that time to take on 2 toddlers and a newborn by myself. I'm absolutely better now and can manage but I will say it was tough in the beginning.

There was this overwhelming feeling of guilt and failure because I felt I should be able to do it by myself. Many women who don't have the option of having a nanny do it. They make it work. They're super mom. Why couldn't I be like them?

I felt even worse thinking about it but Jayson was amazing. Being positive and reassuring me. I'm so thankful to have him by my side.

Once baby girl was done eating, we went into my room and laid on the bed. Surprisingly she didn't go right to sleep. She talked for a little bit.

"Who you looking at mama?" I asked Journey when her head turned in the direction of the door.

"She looking at daddy

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"She looking at daddy. Ain't you?" Jayson came in and immediately picked her up. The smile grew on her face.

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in Portland. You have a game tomorrow."

"I know and I'll be there. I got away for the night because I missed my babies. Now can I have a kiss or you still got questions for me?" He walked in front of me and stared down in my eyes. I kissed his cheek and was about to walk away until he grabbed the back of my shirt. "Don't play with me." He mumbled.

I playfully rolled my eyes and grabbed his chin, bringing his lips closer and softly kissed him. "What time do you have to leave?"

"2 o'clock."

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