Fifty Five.

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Hey hey! How are y'all? I know it's been a minute but I have a little chapter for you.

Kendrick and Drake???? Gaaahleeee

Anywho, enjoy the chapter and excuse any mistakes.

Naomi's POV

"Contraction?" I asked Jasmine as she did her breathing exercises.

"Mhm." Her eyes were shut then she relaxed. "She's ready to come out of here."

"I know she is. I'm so excited to meet her and love all on her." I beamed.

"Me too. I really wish we were pregnant together."

"Oh heavens no." I immediately said and held the most disgusted face, not on purpose.

"I know, I know. You said no more, it was just a thought. Our bellies touching, we could've had the cutest joint baby shower, maternity pictures. The whole nine."

Before I could respond my food was being placed in front of me. "Thank you so much. It looks delicious."

"Let me know if you need anything else." My waitress said kindly and left me alone.

My mouth watered at the sight of my plates. I'm currently at my favorite Mexican spot and ordered multiple things. Every time I come here, I can never pick one thing.

I blessed my food and started to dig in. I started on a taco and closed my eyes in satisfaction. "Um hello?" I heard from my phone.

"Oh shoot. My bad." I put the taco down and wiped my hand before picking up my phone. "Sorry about that."

"It's fine. I can't watch you eat anyway cause then I'm going to want some and Brandon is not here right now."

"Do you want me to call you back when I'm done? I'll probably be done within 30 minutes."

"Yeah that's fine. Enjoy your lunch." She sighed.

"Thank you. I'll call you back in a minute sweetie." We hung up and I focused on my food.

Once I ate enough, I had the rest packed up and headed out after paying. Jayson was calling as soon as I shut my car door.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Get me a chimichanga."

"I'm already in the car and stop tracking my location."

"You're my wife. I gotta keep up with you. Did you get me anything to eat?"

"You're not even here but if I don't eat the rest, I guess you can have that." I got on the road to head home. "Wassup? Did you need something?"

"Damn what's with the attitude? I can't call you now?"

"I mean yeah you can call but seeing as though you chastised me and were pissed yesterday, I assumed you didn't want to talk to me like that."

After getting off the phone with Jayson, I took Deuce to my mother in law's house later that night. She understood both sides but ultimately didn't think I did anything wrong like a sane person.

No offense but let's be so for real right now. They're pissed because I let him stay home? Saying I'm not his parent when they've literally, out of their mouths, referred to me as Deuce's bonus parent?

"I wasn't pissed-"

"But you said you were." I cut him off.

"No, I said Toriah was pissed."

"Oh yeah. Right. My fault. You were just showing signs of being pissed. Ok. Totally makes sense now." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't be sarcastic. But you're right. I could have came at you way differently."

Shortie - Jayson TatumWhere stories live. Discover now