Chapter Seventeen: Movie.

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3rd person's POV:

Eventually the trio had selected a few movies to choose from and we're debating on what to pick.

"Of course we should watch the It movies."

Kaitlyn stated with annoyance while the two boyfriend's rolled their eyes.

"They aren't even scary."

Ryan said, his dark gaze fixed on the television screen.

"No, they aren't. But they're good movies. They're actually quite funny."

Kait defended herself, justifying her point.

"Uhm. You think that is meant to be funny?"

Dylan questioned and pointed to the screen with his index finger, indicating toward a scary looking pennywise on the cover.

"Well not that in particular, dumbass."

Kaitlyn rolled her eyes.

"I meant the movies in general. They're stupid, and the 'scary' parts of them are actually halarious. For example: the Pennywise dancing scene. I cracked up."

She stated with a slight grin.

"Okay but seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you? You don't laugh at actual real life funny situations but you find that shit funny? You're like the most serious person I know."

Dylan raised a brow and Ryan pretended to look hurt, his arm still wrapped around his boyfriend's shoulder.

"And I took that personally."

Ryan let out a laugh as Dylan snapped his gaze toward him.

"Yeah yeah."

Dylan dismissed while Kaitlyn sighed through annoyance.

"So, It?"

Kaitlyn asked, a small gleam in her eyes.

"Okay, I don't know why you're so bent on watching this but alright. I'm too tired to argue."

Dylan said in defeat and Kaitlyn fist pumped and selected the movie with the remote.

"Do you guys also feel like popcorn?"

Ryan asked as the beginning scene of It played.

"Sure do! You're on popcorn duty, thanks for the offer Ryan!"

Kaitlyn grinned ear to ear while Ryan rolled his eyes.

"I didn't- whatever. You want some, Dyl?"

Ryan turned to his boyfriend and Dylan nodded gratefully.

Ryan turned toward the kitchen as the movie played the scene with Georgie going into the basement.

"Hey Dyl, Where's the kernels?"

He called back as his eyes travelled along the kitchens drawers and cupboards.

"They're in the pantry on the top shelf."

Dylan replied from the lounge and Ryan spied the pantry, pulling the door open and gazing at the shelves.

Oh shit.

Ryan spotted the popcorn packets but he was too short and couldn't reach them.

Why the fuck did I have to date a tall guy from a tall family?

Ryan sighed and turned back towards the direction of the lounge.

"Dylan! I need your help, I can't reach the top shelf."

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