Chapter Twenty Three: Determined.

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3rd person's POV:

Dylan and Kaitlyn arrived to her house and as they entered the door, they were greeted by Kaitlyn's older sister who had just moved back into the estate.

"Welcome back Kitty Kat!"

She smirked, towering over Kaitlyn.

"Hello Dylan! Long time no see!"

Kaitlyns sister then turned to Dylan and the two exchanged a quick wave before she strode back into the house to assist their parents.

"Pfft, she's always so full of herself."

Kaitlyn rolled her eyes before entering the home, beckoning for Dylan to follow.

Dylan had often come here to visit his best friend, so he was quite close to the family and got along with them. Kaitlyn's home had always felt like a second home to Dylan and he was really grateful he was able to have a getaway there for the night. Not wanting to go back to his house with all of Ryan's belongings staring at him and the scent of Ryan filling his room and on his sheets. But most of all, Dylan didn't want to be alone. He didn't want to be reminded that he was lonely and have his seeming large house to himself. He didn't want to remember the incident that fell between him and his now ex.

Kaitlyn's house was full of noise, that's how it always was. From the both the parents, all of Kaitlyn's siblings, their auntie, their uncle and 2 cousins. They were quite a large family living in a smaller house. But fortunately, Kaitlyn had her own room.

The pair paced up the staircase and made their way to Kaitlyn's room and shut the door behind them.

"Sorry about the mess."

Kaitlyn said, bundling up pieces of clothing scattered here and there on the carpet and dumping them on top of her drawers.

"So! What do you wanna do?"

She asked as her room was relatively clean of the discarded washing.

"Hmmm, I don't mind."

Dylan smiled as Kaitlyn flopped onto her bed, sighing loudly with annoyance.

"God you make simple decisions so difficult, Lenivy."

She groaned as Dylan chuckled lightly.

"Fine about we call that waitress you were so interested in, hmm?"

Dylan wriggled his eye brows with a teasing smile.


Kaitlyn immediately sat up, staring Dylan in the eye.

"Haha, very funny."

She rolled her eyes and laid back down, beckoning for Dylan to join her.

Dyl made his way over to where Kaitlyn lay and laid beside her, placing his arms across his stomach.

"Honestly Kait. Why don't you text her? You guys seemed to really...well, click."

Dylan said sincerely while Kaitlyn remained silent as if thinking over his words.

"I haven't seen you smile like that in..well.. never."

Dylan admitted and Kaitlyn blushed, shoving her bestie.

"Yeah yeah."

She pouted while Dylan snickered slightly.

"Sooo, what's her name?"

Dylan continued conversation, too invested to change the topic.


Kaitlyn said hesitantly as if questioning whether it was Dylan's business or not.

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