Chapter Twenty Five: Manhunt.

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3rd person's POV:

Kaitlyn rested her chin on her palm as The Black Phone concluded, she sighed and turned her gaze toward the door.

Where the fuck is Dylan? He just ran off. Weird. It is kinda worrying now. Ugh, I should probably go find his sorry ass before he gets himself into trouble.

Kaitlyn closed her eyes with a slight pout, reaching for the remote and turning off the tv.

She snatched her phone from where it was placed at the arm of the chair and unlocked it. Selecting messages.


KaitKat: Hey Dylweed, wry? You good?

KaitKat: If you need any help, just call me.

Kaitlyn stared at her sent texts before exiting out of Dylan's contact. She placed her phone back onto the arm of the chair and yawned. Kaitlyn scrolled through some more movies for a few minutes but nothing caught her eye.

She cast a side glance at her phone.

Oh come on Dylan..

As if her thoughts had summoned an alarm, her phone vibrated and Kaitlyn immediately snatched her device.

Though her hopeful stare faded as she read her notification. It was a message but it wasn't from Dylan, instead it was a text to the group chat Emma had made.


Emmaculate: Is anyone online?

KaitKat: Yup.

Emmaculate: Hey Kait! Wsp?

KaitKat: Nothing much, apart from Dylan getting himself into more drama. He's like a fucking magnet that attracts it.

Emmaculate: Oh no! What happened??

KaitKat: It's a very long and complicating story. But to wrap it up in a few simple words; Dyl and Ry broke up. And now, he uhm..kinda just ran off outta nowhere and it's hella worrying.

Emmaculate: Oh shit!! Why!? They were such a cute couple!! And that's not good! Did he say anything before he left??

KaitKat: Well he just said that he would explain later. Such a dumbass.

Emmaculate: 🤦 What is wrong with that boy?

KaitKat: I don't know.

Emmaculate: Well you tell me when you find him, I hope he's okay.

KaitKat: Yeah, I will.

Emmaculate: Thanks Kait :) xox

KaitKat: Don't worry abt it :)

Kaitlyn turned off her phone, shoving it into her jersey pocket. A few minutes passed by before Kaitlyn decided enough was enough.

I'm going to find him.

Kaitlyn grabbed her shoulder bag and her car keys before throwing on some sneakers and making her way outside to her vehicle.

"Alright so. If I were a heartbroken gay guy, where would I run off to..?"

Kaitlyn asked herself as she sat in the drivers seat. But nothing came into mind.

"Ah fuck. This is not what I was planning to do tonight.. Run around the town at night looking for my best friend."

Kaitlyn sighed deeply before turning the keys in the cars ignition and swerving away from the house, driving down the road.

She drove rather slowly, her dark optics scanning her surroundings for any sign of her tall best friend.

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