She hates Duryodhan

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"Rajkumar Arjun, Rajkumar Arjun", Subhadra thought as she lay on her bed. She had heard the name before but she couldn't remember in what context.  Subhadra was not the person who was prone to listen to gossip. Her world resided in the beautiful gardens of Dwarka where she used to utilize time reading scriptures in the morning used to play Sitar every evening.

 Subhadra was seated on the platform of the garden. Her friends did not crowd around her as usual. She played on the sitar a soft tune. The sun was setting. The sky seemed to be decked in gold. Subhadra's face was reflecting the orange glow of the Sun. She was looking more beautiful than ever. As the Sun was setting, the pitch with which she played her instrument increased. She began to play more and more passionately. The music rang in the silent evening as if the Apsara Menka was singing a Raga. She was sweating by the time she struck the last tune on the cord. She felt a presence around her. She opened her eyes. A man tall and dark stood before her awestruck. His face reflected the same glows at Subhadra's. Yes, she knew the face. It was the same friend of Krishna, Prince Arjun. Subhadra felt helpless. She felt an inner joy which would burst out if held for another second. But at the very moment a male voice spoke behind her back,"Subhadra".

"Subhadra my dear why are you smiling like this, lying over there?"

Subhadra woke up from her day dream in a second and sat still on her bed. "Pitashri?" She raised herself from her bed and took her father's Ashirvad. Then she also bent down to Devaki who had come with her father. "Sorry, I didn't notice you entering."

"You wouldn't when you were so lost in your dream." Devaki teased Subhadra "Arya did not I tell you that our girl has grown up. It is time to get up married." She addressed Vasudev looking at Subhadra.

"Oh mother! You are always trying ways to get me away from Dwarka." Subhadra added acting innocent.

" Of course not Dear! I simply cannot have you go. But society is very bad to fathers of lovely daughters. So you must marry and bring up a household. And you must be married before some evil Prince kidnaps you to make you his wife." Vasudev said.

"Subhadra your brother Balram has brought very nice news. We have decided to get you married to a Kuru Prince. You couldn't have a better match." Devaki told Subhadra.

"Kuru Prince!", Subhadra remembered "Yes! She knew where we she had heard of Arjun. He was the son of her Bua Kunti. He was one of the Pandavas. She had heard his name when they had supposedly died in an accident in Varnavat and eventually about his prowess in Draupadi Swayamvar." So Arjuna was one of the greatest archers of present time.

"Who do you mean?" Subhadra said excitedly. It had to be Arjun, it had to be Arjun.

"You shall be the Queen of Hastinapur, wife of Prince Duryodhan."

Something in her body seemed to shatter. The glow on her face was lost. She remembered Duryodhan, Balram's favourite student. His skill in mace fighting was admirable but something about him stuck at her as odd. Maybe the sarcastic smile on his face had irritated her and she was glad that Bhrata Krishna also shared her disliking. Thinking about having to spend time with the very man, who had at numerous time tried to harm her Aunt's family including Arjun, send chills down her spine. She collapsed on her bed.

Savyasachi's Subhadra: A Queen Of Warrior's Heart✅#FansLoveToWriteWhere stories live. Discover now