Plan for Abduction!

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After a long stroll through the buzzing fair, Madhav and I rested themselves on the rock of the Kamakya hill. Madhav's hand was full with sweets and he was in the rapid process of gulping them down. He had smeared butter over his face. I smiled looking at my friend's face. My friend and cousin had the appetite of my Brother Bheem. But unlike the way Bheem ate ravishingly, Madhav acted like the child attracted by jalebis. Madhav who was clever like the fox and a master at trickery seemed to be the most innocent person in the world. Anyone and everyone could be lost to his charms.

But when I turned my head to look below, a sight more beautiful than ever caught my eyes. It was not the buzzing happy crowd that filled the streets that attracted me or any beautiful scenery or sculpture. It was the sight of a person's face which gave me a sudden rush of anxiety and joy. It was a woman, with eyes like lotus, her complexion like molten gold. It must have been Kam Dev himself who had possessed me at that moment. Her eyes were searching for someone. I wished that the person whom she was looking for was me. She looked at Madhav and smiled. Then her eyes turned to me. For a moment our eyes met but noticing the awkward situation they could be in I turned my eyes away with supreme effort.

"That is my sister Subhadra, the favourite of my father." Kanha spoke. I looked at my friend taken aback.

"Now don't be surprised my friend. I can understand by the way you were looking at her that you would want to know more about her." Krishna gave me a mischievous smile.

"Madhav, what should I do? I see you understand how my feelings are towards your sister. Do you know of a swayamvar that I can win for the sake of her hand? " I asked.

"Telling by the experience I have gained from multiple marriages, it would be foolish to wait for a swayamvar. You can never know what may happen. I do not feel that a woman should be gifted of sold. After all she is no cattle. Show your Kshatriya valour. Abduct her."


"I can't abduct her but if she can abduct me..then I am ready "

Savyasachi's Subhadra: A Queen Of Warrior's Heart✅#FansLoveToWriteWhere stories live. Discover now