The Deadly Invitation

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"Bhrata next time do come with Abhi..It's so long I have seen my nephew" said Dushala after trying me rakhi.

"Sure sure little sister..before that what you need as gift?" I asked with smile.

"Promise me Bhrata..if in future Sindhuraj harms anyone of us,you will not look back to avenge. Cause I know he is likely to harm you" Dushala requested.

I don't know why she requested such strange things but I nodded in yes and gave her a beautiful jewellery.

In the afternoon, I was planning to take my leave from her. But all of a sudden,my stomach started paining so badly that I fainted.

Few hours later,Dushala told that the kheer she made was alright but it was poisoned later on by someone. She didn't allowed me to go back.

I couldn't deny my sister's request.

After spending another week with her, I came back. I had several thoughts on my mind. Why Sindhuraj harms me?. What made him my enemy?.

Flashback Ends

Subhi was petrified when she heard this and hugged me tightly as if afraid of losing me. Right then a servant disturbed us.

"Rajkumar Arjun a messanger from Hastinapur wants to meet you" said Servant.

"Okay tell him I am coming soon" I replied in hesitation.

I cajoled my queen who was still in tears and told her I would come back soon as possible to her.

Subhi nodded in yes.

"Yes,what happened?. Is everything alright there?" I asked trying to sense unknown danger.

"Maharaja Dhritarashtra has sent a message for you and Samrat Yudhishthir"said the messenger who was purposefully saying things in brief.

"Okay go ahead and read it" I replied while checking his appearance, whether he was some enemy from Duryodhan.

"Maharaja Dhritarashtra and Yuvraj Duryodhan is organising a Dyut Sabha for Samrat Yudhishthir's enjoyment. He wants to forget old fragmented bonds and make new bonds with your son" read the messenger.

I was numb for a while as Duryodhan who tried to harm us so many times wants to meet Abhimanyu.Also,the message came this morning when Jyeshth and Panchali are not here.

My anxiety knew no bounds when Jyeshth respond yes to the invitation.I grew up more apprehensive about it but couldn't go against him.

He understood my fears and said "Relax Phalgun.. everything is fine and I can't refuse Taatshree as his wish is like father's words,Will you come with us?".

I nodded in agreement.

Not only me but Sahdev's intuitive mind was also alert to this invitation.

What was in that invite only time will answer,..

Savyasachi's Subhadra: A Queen Of Warrior's Heart✅#FansLoveToWriteWhere stories live. Discover now