Abducted in Love - I

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"Yes kidnap i.e; if Subhadra is ready to be kidnapped." Krishna winked at his friend.

"Would she want to be my wife?" I asked nervously.

"Oh Parth! Do I have to tell you everything? I may as well as kidnap her for you."

"Well, I cannot simply walk to your sister and say that Pranipat Devi! I am Arjun, friend of your brother Madhav and wish to kidnap you following your brother's advice. Do you agree to be kidnapped by me?"

I said this making a face.

Madhav said controlling his laughter," Oh dear! Maharathi Arjun has lost his guts. He simply cannot propose to a girl. But of course you wouldn't dare to cross my beloved sakhi Krishna."

My face fell again. "She wouldn't react well to this situation. What do I do Madhav?"

"I do not think Subhadra will need much convincing but I cannot say the same for my sister. Fear not my dearest cousin. When the happiness of so many of my beloved people is concerned I will find a solution."

"Subhadra-will-not-need-much-convincing?" I asked emphasizing each word.

"I can tell by my sister's expression that she wants to be with you as much as you want to be with her."

My face reddened at Madhav's word. I looked at Madhav curiously ,"So you have absolutely no problem with me marrying your sister?"

"You took a long time to ask that question. See I have many problems. Two of my dearest people shall be getting married and living a prosperous life together. I can safely leave under the care of Bua Kunti and my sakhi Panchali who is bound to love my sister as her own. And above this, I have this little problem that I can go and meet my sister as many times as I want under the pretext of coming to see my friend."

I had a hearty laugh at my friend's comment.

"Madhav you must be the first brother who is planning the kidnapping of his own sister."

We both fell on our stomachs laughing.

Sorry for small update readers

Savyasachi's Subhadra: A Queen Of Warrior's Heart✅#FansLoveToWriteWhere stories live. Discover now