Acceptance of Fire Born

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Acceptance... I accepted you and I will forgive you... probably

It's not my weakness,
it is my openness.
It's not my doubts,
it is my questioning mind.
It's not that I say too much,
it's my courage to share.
It's not my fear,
it's my prudence.
It's not my stupidity,
it's my choice of what I
want to know.
It's not my credulity,
it is my trust.
It's not my depression,
it is my acceptance.
It's not my recklessness,
it is my curiosity,
and love of life.
It's not my chaos,
it's my artistic soul.
It's not my weakness,
it is my
That's why I accepted you...
It's my acceptance for you..

"Parth will your fire born accept us!?" asked Subhdra.

I could easily read the tension and uneasiness in her beautiful dove shaped eyes. The best part of these eyes were they never lied. Even though her words failed,they convey the purity of their emotions.

"Madhav said his sakhi can't stay angry for long..maybe yes" I replied in hesitation.

"Don't lie Parth..your eyes are conveying same uneasiness as mine. You are equally worried. Whatever the fate has stored for us,we will accept it" said Subhdra firmly.

"Yeah fine.." I replied while thinking about something happened in Dwarka.


"Rajkumar Arjun your future is very bright. You will have two kids and they both will give you enough fame and name. Your son will be short lived but will grant you enough glory for lifetime. Your daughter would be a best wife and queen of Aryavart in years to come. Your son's wedding would save your lineage,he himself won't ever become a king but his son would" said Maharishi Bhrigu.

I was shocked to listen about short life of my son. I couldn't speak further and decided to hide it from Subhdra as time would tell her that.

I could only wish this is untrue.

Flashback Ends

"Where were you lost Parth!??. I called you twice. We reached Indraprastha" said Subhdra.

"Nowhere..I was missing Dwarka days" I lied her once and this thought made me crumpled inside.

"Oh..I too was missing Bhratashree Krishna and Pitashree" replied Subhdra holding my hand.

We dressed as milkman and milkmaid as we went near Panchali's Hut. She stopped living in palace once I left for penance.

Advised by Krishna, Subhadra entered Draupadi’s chambers disguised as a
milkmaid and begged shelter for herself and her husband. ‘I have eloped with him and am afraid his senior wife may not allow me to stay withhim,’ she said without disclosing her identity.

‘Don’t worry, you can stay with me,’ said Draupadi affectionately. ‘You
will be like a sister to me.’

‘I am like a sister to you. I am Krishna’s sister. And my husband is
Arjuna,’ disclosed Subhadra shyly, nervous at how Draupadi would react.

Draupadi realized she had been tricked but she forgave Subhadra and let
her stay in Indra-prastha, allowing her to give company to me in the
four years when I was not with her.

"Subhadra,I know you tricked me to stay with us in Indraprastha. But, I will  care for your son if you allow me" said Draupadi sitting in the palace.

"Surely jiji,my son would be your son too just like Prativindaya and Shrutsen" replied Subhdra patting Prativindaya's cheeks fondly.

I was overwhelmed with their bond which they formed so easily and so fast. Sometimes, Chitrangada and Uloopi too visited us. I grew fond of Iravan and Babruvahan.

I was blessed with Shutkarma or Shutkirti soon after my marriage with Subhdra. Now my desires grew for having a son with her...but the forecast scared me .

Savyasachi's Subhadra: A Queen Of Warrior's Heart✅#FansLoveToWriteWhere stories live. Discover now